Chapter 81. Lepidolite

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Viren hadn't responded, eaten, or talked since waking up. Claudia was very worried about him.

Claudia: He hasn't said a word since he came out of his fever-thing. He's not responding, he's not eating, he's not talking, he's completely catatonic. Do you think the spell that brought him back to life is starting to fade?

Kokiri: Did Aaravos mention anything about that?

Claudia: No...

Lepidolite: I don't think that's the case, then.

Claudia looked over at Viren.

Claudia: Dad... even though you're not talking, I know you're in there.

Lepidolite notices an ocean dragon flying overhead.

Terry: Dragon!

Claudia: It's taking a low pass over the river.

Terry: We need to hide.

They hid over at the shore and Terry covered the boat in plant to keep it camouflaged.

They waited for it to leave, and then continued down the river.

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