Chapter 72. Linopha

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Linopha and the others rushed to the front doors, fleeing the lair of Rex Igneous.

N'than: We're almost there. The doors that lead us out are straight ahead!

Linopha: Did you guys forget that the doors are blocked?

They made it to the rubble filled doorway.

They heard Rex Igneous roar again. He was getting close, and they needed to do something.

There was one hole in the rubble, where they could see the door. They all ran to it and began trying to shove it open.

Soren: Open the door! Open sesame! These are big doors, but we just have to push them open. We can do this!

Callum: It takes two stone giants to open these, there's no way we can...

Soren: Never give up! At times like this, the only strength that matters is the strength in your heart. Come on! Come on, push! You too, Bait! Let's go! And...

Bait scampered over to the door and pushed it. Then it opened and everyone crashed through.

Soren: It worked!

But then Rex Igneous charged toward them, flame ready, with nowhere else for them to run or hide.

Soren: This is it. We're doomed.

Callum: What about the strength in our heart? Like a minute ago you were saying the only strength that matters is-

Soren: Doomed.

Zubeia arrived, they had an elemental uproar contest, and Rex Igneous stormed back into his lair.

Zubeia: Zym! You defied me and look what happened. You're in big trouble, little dragon!

Soren: But if he hadn't defied you, then you wouldn't have showed up

and we'd all be super dead.

Ezran: So there's that!

Zubeia: Yes. There is that. I am glad you are all not super dead.

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