Chapter 21. Lepidolite

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The soldiers patrolled the dragon, while Lepidolite, Soren, and Claudia stood at the sidelines.

Claudia was flipping through her spellbook.

Claudia: A good spell to kill a dragon...

Soren: I thought the dragon was already dead.

Lepidolite: We have no way to be sure, so we need to be prepared to kill it.

Then, out of the corner of Lepidolite's eye, she saw something.

Linopha and Callum were in the forest right behind her.

Lepidolite walked into the forest.

Lepidolite: I know you guys are here.

Linopha and Callum froze.

Lepidolite: Why are you sneaking around? What are you doing here?

Linopha: Callum knows a dark magic spell that could help fix the town, but we don't have the necessary ingredients. However, Claudia does, so-

Lepidolite: So you thought you'd steal it from her?

Linopha: Yeah, sort of.

Lepidolite: It's not right to steal. I could go tell Claudia right now that you were planning to sneak into their bag. But if you're telling the truth about wanting to help the town, then I think it's a great thing that you want to do. Are you sure that's what you're doing here?

Linopha: Yes.

Lepidolite looked her sister in the eye. She could tell she was telling the truth.

Lepidolite: Fine. What do you need?

Linopha: The tail of a chlormeleon, the paw of a violet pandorum, and the talon of a griffin.

Lepidolite: Got it. I'll ask Claudia if she has them.

Lepidolite went back to the camp and walked over to Claudia.

Lepidolite: Hi, Claud. I had a question. Do you have the tail of a chlormeleon, the paw of a violet pandorum, and the talon of a griffin in your dark magic satchel?

Claudia: I do! Do you need to do a spell to fix broken things? I didn't know you did dark magic!

Lepidolite: I don't do it very often. But this is an urgent situation, and the town needs help.

Claudia: Fair enough. I'll grab the ingredients for you.

Claudia fetched the ingredients and gave them to Lepidolite. Then Lepidolite returned to the town with Linopha and Callum, and Callum stood in front of the tower, ready to do the spell, but he hesitated.

Callum: I never thought I would use dark magic.

Lepidolite: If there ever was a time, this is it.

Callum crushed the paw of the violet pandorum, and sprinkled the ashes over the talon of the griffin.

Then he waved the tail of the chlormeleon over the talon of the griffin, as he chanted the incantation.

Callum: Nekorb si tahw dliuber, sbmil lacigam!

Callum's hands glowed purple as the animal parts disintegrated. He stumbled toward the tower and pressed his hands against the tower, as the magic pulsed through the building. Slowly, it began rebuilding itself.

Then the magic faded away and Callum's eyes went black as he collapsed onto the ground. He looked sickening.

Linopha: I should get him back to the cave to rest. Thanks for the help, Lepidolite.

Lepidolite: You're welcome. I should head back to Soren and Claudia.

And so Lepidolite headed back to where Soren and Claudia were, to find the dragon alive.

The dragon was alive, and thrashed back and forth, trying to escape the chains.

Lepidolite: So it regained consciousness.

Soren swung his sword at the dragon, chipping off one of the horns.

The dragon roared, and her tail knocked Soren across the clearing and into a rock where he landed with a loud crunch.

The dragon had nearly escaped the chains, when Claudia grabbed the swords that one of the soldiers had dropped.

She crushed a starweaver spider in her hand and chanted an incantation as the sword glowed purple.

Claudia: Srats eht fo nosiop eht drows siht dnel, dinhcara cimsoc!

A substance seemed to envelop the sword and stain it black. Then she thrust the sword, and it struck the dragon spot on in the chest.

The dragon roared in agony, and disintegrated into black dust which was then blown away by the wind.

The sword clattered to the ground and returned to normal.

Lepidolite heard a squeak. She looked over and saw the dragon prince emerge from the forest, with Ezran following close behind.

Claudia got ready to use her snake chains.

Claudia: The dragon's coming with me!

Soren: Lepidolite! Claudia! Help me!

Claudia looked conflicted, but she chose to help her brother.

Lepidolite and Claudia rushed over to Soren.

Claudia: We're here, Soren. We're here for you.

Ezran and Zym got away, but Soren was more important.

Lepidolite: How do you feel?

Soren: Nothing. I can't feel anything. And I can't move!

Lepidolite examined Soren. It looked like he'd broken his spine.

Lepidolite: This is serious. He's paralyzed from the neck down.

Claudia: Don't worry. I'll have you back up on your feet in no time.

Claudia grabbed flowers out of her bag and put them over his eyes. Then she shoved grasshopper goop into his mouth and began the spell. The flowers glowed and transformed into little balls of light that danced around and then faded away.

Soren: Well, that was super pretty, but I still can't move.

The look on Claudia's face changed to one of complete shock.

Claudia: What? But that should've-

Claudia dumped out the contents of her bag, looking for something that would heal Soren, but she didn't find anything.

Claudia: That's all I have for healing.

Lepidolite: Let's get him to a doctor in town.

Claudia: Agreed.

Lepidolite lifted one of Soren's arms, and Claudia lifted the other. With the help of the soldiers, they brought him back to a hospital in the town.

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