Chapter 50. Linopha

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Linopha, Callum, Ezran, and Rayla stood at the base of storm spire.

Linopha: We've finally made it to storm spire.

Callum: And I take it the Dragon Queen didn't make her lair at a nice kinda halfway-up there kind of place?

Rayla: Nope. Tip-top!

They began walking up the stairs that led to the top of storm spire.

After climbing for a while, they arrived at an arch with writing on it.

Rayla: This is elven writing.

Callum: Can you read it?

Rayla: It says... "Prepare to draw your last breath."

They all exchange glances and keep going, unsure of what awaits them.

They keep going for a while, and the climb is getting tiring.

Callum: How tall is this thing?

Rayla sat down on a nearby rock.

Rayla: Maybe we should just rest here for a second.

Linopha: Guys, I'm tired too, but we can't stop here. We have to keep going.

A while passed since Linopha, Callum, Ezran, and Rayla had come across the arch with writing.

Callum: The air's so thin. I can barely breathe.

Rayla: It's too much.

Callum, Ezran, and Rayla collapse.

Linopha: I don't know if I can keep going either.

And Linopha collapses as well.

The Dragon Prince storyline alteredحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن