Chapter 52. Lepidolite

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Lepidolite spotted Viren coming back toward the camp. Claudia gasped and pointed at the eclipse.

When Viren returned, he prepared to give a speech to the human armies.

Viren: I have been granted a great gift. The power we need to defeat Xadia and save humanity is now ours! We must evolve. When we strike against the Dragon Queen, we will face elves and dragons, and they will rain fire upon us.

Viren held up the sunforge staff.

Viren: But with this gift, I will inoculate you. Instead of destruction, that fire will be our nourishment! Now, come forth. Do not be afraid. You will understand when you see the first to change... my own beloved son, Soren.

Viren looked over at Soren and motioned for him to step forward.

Viren: Step forward, my son. Let me help you.

Soren: I don't wanna do this.

Viren: Step forward.

Soren: I... I'm afraid.

Kasef stepped forward.

Kasef: I am ready! I am ready to receive the gift!

Viren combined the power of the sunforge staff and his dark magic staff, and turned Kasef into a cinderheart monster. He then did the same with the rest of the human armies.

Lepidolite saw Soren leave, and Claudia followed him.

Lepidolite was debating whether to go after them or not, but there was someone else walking toward the camp the same way Viren had come. A Katolian human. He had jet black hair, dark blue clothes, silver and gold ornamentation, and eyes that were an impossible bright blue color.

He approached where Lepidolite and Viren were standing.

Lepidolite: Who are you?

Kokiri: The only human in history with a connection to the star primal.

Lepidolite: The-

Kokiri: Who's that?

Kokiri pointed beside Viren.

Lepidolite looked at where he was pointing, but she didn't see anyone.

Lepidolite: What're you talking about? There's no one there.

Kokiri: I see a faint hologram of someone. A tall startouch elf. The same person I saw at the sunfire elf capital.

Lepidolite: At the- sorry, what did you say your name was again?

Kokiri: Kokiri.

Lepidolite: I remember that name. A Katolian human that went on a dangerous mission into Xadia many years back.

Kokiri: That's me. And while I was here, I forged a connection with the star arcanum. Now I broke myself out of my prison in Lux Aurea and I'm here to rejoin the human armies.

Lepidolite: Okay.

Claudia soon returned, without Soren.

Claudia: Lepi, Soren left. I couldn't stop him.

Lepidolite: What do you mean he left?

Claudia: I think he's gone to tell Xadia.

Kokiri: No matter. We're way stronger than them. We'll finally show Xadia the wrath of the humans they've been pushing around for thousands of years.

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