Chapter 54. Kokiri

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The cinderheart armies walked to storm spire, close enough to see it from where they were.

Kokiri, Lepidolite, and Viren were at the front, on horseback.

Viren: Tell me. How are you able to see Aaravos?

Kokiri: I think it might be my connection to the star arcanum.

Viren: Your what now?

Kokiri: I know the star arcanum.

Viren: Tell me the truth.

Kokiri: I'm not lying.

Aaravos: It's true, he's not lying.

Viren: How do YOU know?

Aaravos: I can sense that he's telling the truth.

Viren: What's the plan once we get to storm spire?

Aaravos: When you capture the dragonling, I will show you how to take his power, how to imbue yourself with all his magic and potential, so that you will transcend the limits of your human form. Then none will dare stand against you.

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