Chapter 19. Lepidolite

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In the light of morning, Lepidolite, Soren, and Claudia led the way to the dragon.

Soon enough, they arrived at the spot where the dragon lay in the forest, motionless.

Claudia: Funny, I always thought it would be YOU who took down a dragon, not me.

Soren: Huh?

Claudia: I mean, wasn't this one of your life goals?

Soren rolled his eyes at Claudia.

Lepidolite: Claud, don't forget that I aimed and shot the bolt.

Claudia: Right, but without my magic, it still wouldn't have worked.

Soren rolled his eyes at both of them.

Soren: I think it's dead, but we can't be too sure. Secure the dragon!

The soldiers tied down the dragon with ropes and chains.

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