Chapter 64. Lepidolite

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As the sun rose, Claudia shook everyone awake.

Claudia: Come on, sleepyheads, it's dawn! And that means it's spell time!

They walked outside.

Claudia: The spell needs the sun's first light to open the chrysalis. So get ready.

Claudia tried to hand Viren the staff but he stammered and wouldn't take it.

Claudia: Dad, we're running out of time. The spell needs the sun's first light. Not second, third, or fourth light. First!

Lepidolite: He can't do it.

Claudia: I'll just do it.

Claudia extended the staff, and pointed it at the cocoon, it glowed, and shot a bright light of magical energy at the cocoon.

Claudia: Ezoo cimsoc ruoy morf

egreme dlihc silasyrhc!

Claudia repeated it over and over.

Claudia: Ezoo cimsoc ruoy morf

egreme dlihc silasyrhc! Ezoo cimsoc ruoy morf

egreme dlihc silasyrhc! Ezoo cimsoc ruoy morf

egreme dlihc silasyrhc!

When Claudia finished the spell, she collapsed to the ground.

Slowly, a being emerged from the cocoon.

To Lepidolite, it looked like a butterfly homunculus.

Claudia: It worked!

The Dragon Prince storyline alteredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora