Chapter 63. Linopha

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Linopha was at a clearing in the forest with other people from Katolis.

Zubeia was going to arrive soon, but Callum still hadn't gotten there.

Ezran: Where's Callum? He's supposed to welcome the Dragon Queen with a prismatic shablow.

Barius: Pardon my ignorance of the magical arts, but what exactly is a "shablow"?

Ezran: Oh it's like a... well, it's complicated, but simple. I mean... you know it when you see it.

Linopha: I'm worried about something else. Holding the gift ceremony in the Valley of the Graves is insensitive.

Ezran: Wait, what? It's a sacred, beautiful place. It's a place of peace.

Linopha: Honoring a dragon in a place that is a memorial to so many great humans that died at their hands is outright offensive.

Ezran: But that's exactly the point. There's a history, and we're trying to get past that. To build a brighter future.

Linopha: You don't understand. People are angry. I am angry!

Ezran: Trust me! Just trust me. This is a happy day, and it's going to be the start of a great era of peace.

Zubeia and Zym arrived and landed on the ground in the middle of the clearing.

Ezran: The official plan was to welcome you with a display of majestic light and color from the high mage, but he seems to not be here, so instead, we're going to welcome you with the comedy stylings of Crownguard Soren!

Soren grabbed a nearby crate and stood on top of it, addressing the crowd.

Soren: Now we've met before. You might recall my name is Soren. But from the looks of you flying overhead, you are the one who is soarin'!

Everyone laughed.

Soren: Okay. How do you tell a dragon's weight? You use dragon scales.

Everyone laughed again.

Soren: Now I do have a lot more funny jokes, but I'll wrap it up here as I would not want my comedy routine to "drag on".

Everyone laughed again.

Soren: All right, thanks! I'm Soren, that's my time!

Soren got down from the crate and put it away.

Ezran: Next on our agenda, refreshments!

Barius presented the enormous jelly tart.

Zubeia: It looks and smells amazing. I am truly honored that you would...

Suddenly, Callum flew into the middle of the clearing.

Callum: Wait, wait! Wait, wait, wait! Sorry I'm late. Here to welcome you. High mage Callum here. Eritque arcus ignis!

A magical ring of fire appeared that swirled in the air, turning all different colors, and then flew straight into the jelly tart.

Callum: Oops.

Then it exploded, blowing the jelly tart everywhere.

Barius: Shablow.

Soon, they went to the valley of the graves for the gift ceremony.

Linopha clenched her fists. She couldn't believe how inconsiderate Ezran was being. How blind he was acting. Didn't he understand these people's pain? Dragons were monsters!

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