Chapter 70. Lepidolite

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Linopha: You made it. Thank goodness.

Lepidolite: Yeah, we did!

Terry: Wow. Powerful sleep spell. I can't believe it even worked on the big old dragon!

Claudia: I don't know how long the spell is going to last, so let's find this map quickly. And quietly. No waking the dragon!

Soren: Hey! Mr. Dragon, wake up!

Lepidolite: Soren, you idiot!

Soren: Time to rise and shine and-

Terry wrapped vines around his mouth to shut him up.

Terry: Sorry 'bout that, little adjustment, hope it's not too uncomfy.

Claudia: Don't worry about stuffing his mouth with leaves, Soren loves salad.

Terry: Sort of a funny irony to losing a map, wouldn't you say? I mean, we could really use a map... to the map!

Claudia: Well, I don't have one of those. But I have a finding spell! Lux revelare!

Lepidolite saw the map out of the corner of her eye. It was glowing from inside Rex Igneous's mouth.

Lepidolite: I think I found the map. It's in the dragon's mouth.

Lepidolite and Claudia walked over to Rex Igneous and pried his jaws open, looking for the map. They found it carved on his tooth.

Terry: Do you see the map?

Lepidolite: Yeah.

Terry: Just grab it and we can get going!

Claudia: I would, but there's a problem... The map is carved on the dragon's tooth!

Terry: What? How are we supposed to get this map out now? Oh, I've got it! We can get the map out! Goofy goo to the rescue!

Terry imprinted the map onto the goofy goo, and peeled it off. It stuck perfectly.

Then they went to the hidden tunnel.

The Dragon Prince storyline alteredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora