Chapter 26. Linopha

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When Linopha made it back to the cave, Ezran was back, and Callum was finally waking up.

Callum: I have it! I understand the sky arcanum!

Linopha: Finally.

Rayla: You do?

Callum: The arcanum isn't one simple thing. It's all the things. They just sort of had to... come together, you know? It's like, when I had the primal stone, I held the power of the sky in my hand, but now that's gone. But look, the whole world is a giant primal stone and we're inside it! I'm inside sky magic, but it's also in me, with every breath I take!

Linopha: That kind of makes sense.

Callum: Yes! And I kept thinking about birds and sails, and how they connect to the wind. And I thought I had to find my wings. But that's just it, I AM the wing! I AM THE WING!

Rayla: That makes less sense. But okay!

Callum: Moment of truth. Let's see if I can really do this.

Callum got up and walked to the edge of the cliff outside their cave.

He slowly traced the aspiro rune in the air with his index finger.

Callum: Aspiro!

Callum exhaled and blew powerful wind all around them. The spell had worked!

Linopha: You actually did it. You connected to the sky arcanum. I told you you'd figure it out!

Callum smiled, clearly very pleased that he'd finally figured it out.

Linopha: That must've been SOME dream.

Callum: It was.

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