Chapter 7. Linopha

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Linopha, Callum, and Rayla were having an argument about Soren and Claudia.

Rayla: Linopha! Callum! Please! We can't trust them!

Callum: Until today Claudia thought you were trying to hurt me and Ezran!

Rayla: That's not it. I know they're lying to you because...

Callum: Because WHAT?

Claudia knocked on the door, and Callum rushed over to open it.

Callum: Hi Claudia! What are you doing here?

Claudia: I wanted to know if you could go for a walk with me. I really want to see the moon temple.

Callum: Sure thing! Rayla, we'll finish this conversation later.

Rayla: Whatever you say, Callum.

Callum left with Claudia, leaving Linopha and Rayla alone.

Linopha: You should really be honest with them. Just tell them the truth already. Because if you really want to be their friend, you need to be the one to tell them.

Rayla: I...

There was another knock at the door. When Linopha answered it, it was Lepidolite.

Lepidolite: Linopha, I need to talk to you about something.

Linopha: Of course!

Linopha stepped outside.

Lepidolite: And Rayla...

Rayla: Yeah?

Lepidolite: They won't consider you their friend until you tell them the whole truth. If you're not going to be honest with them, then you don't deserve their friendship.

Lepidolite left, and Linopha followed her. Linopha wondered what she needed to talk about.

Linopha: Is something wrong?

Lepidolite: Why haven't you told Callum and Ezran about King Harrow yet? I assume you have a good reason, but I want to know what it is.

Linopha: I wanted to tell them, one childhood friend to another, but I'm giving Rayla the chance to tell them first, to earn their friendship.

Lepidolite: I see. So that's what this is about.

Linopha: But I promise, if she doesn't tell them soon, I'm going to tell them. They have the right to know.

Lepidolite: Good. Wait- but there's one more thing. As long as you promise to keep it a secret, anyway.

Linopha: I promise.

Lepidolite: You won't tell anyone else? Absolutely no one?

Linopha: I won't tell another soul.

Lepidolite: Okay. It's about something that happened back when we were little. Not here. We need to find somewhere where we're sure no one will hear us. 

The Dragon Prince storyline alteredOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz