Chapter 28

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Rory POV

"Fuck...why in the hell are they here?"
I sigh as I pinch the bridge of my nose and exhale deeply.

"What's going on Rory?" I hear my Queen asking me, looking very worried.

"Nothing my Love just some insignificant people coming to piss me off."

I still see concern on her brow but she doesn't push me for more information which I am grateful for.

*Knock knock knock....

"Im coming down...damn!"...I yell as the insatiable knocking continues.

As I hear the footsteps retread, I look over at my Queen and see's she's deep in thought.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" I inquire.

"I just feel like something is coming."

"What do you mean my love?"

"I don't know, I just got this feeling that something is off."

"Don't worry my love, whatever it is just remember I'm here to protect you." I reassure her as I bring her into my chest and place my nose in her hair and inhale... knowing her scent will calm me down.

"Now I want you to get some rest while I go down and deal with this issue." Kissing her temple I go to the closet to throw on a white shirt, ripped jeans and some black kicks and make my way out of the room.

Outside of the door I see Sam is waiting at the end of the hall, with his back against the wall and a toothpick hanging from his mouth that he's rolling around.

"So....what were y'all doing?" He asked with a smirk.

Side eyeing him I don't give him the satisfaction of answering his question. Instead I change the subject to the problem he interrupted my time with Min Snöflinga with.

"Why are they here?" I question with little patience.

"I heard them in your father's office saying something about wedding arrangements."

"This bullshit." Fuming I walk towards the office to where the intruders lye.

"We will not marry that cunt." Sargon expresses so much hatred.

"No we will not marry anyone but our Snöflinga." I assure him.

Opening the door without being invited in I see Melody and her father sitting in front of my father's desk.

"Son it's nice of you to join us...we were just discussing future plans."

"Hmph." Is my only expression as I walk closer into the room.

"Have a seat son." My father offers.

"I don't plan of being here long enough to get comfortable." I say as I look over at the duo standing my ground as I cross my arms over my chest.

I can tell by my father's expression that he wasn't expecting this response because he clears his throat and looks over at his visitors very uncomfortably.

"Now tell me why are they here." I demand.

"Well Rory, Melody and her father came here to talk about wedding plans."

"And who exactly is getting married..Father?"

With an uncomfortable laugh my father responds, "What do you mean and Melody of course."

"And when did I agree to marry her?" I pause to wait for a response

"If I King." I hear Melody's voice respond before my father could answer.

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