Chapter 16

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Rory POV

Watching our beloved enjoy the food we made, makes my devil very happy. We watch as she wraps her luscious lips around her fork slowly, as she closes her eyes when the taste hits her tongue and as she moans in delight with each bite. (Hey that rhymed 😎)

When a satisfied smile appears when she licks her lips to make sure nothing is left behind, is when I know I'm a lost man.

Just watching her tongue move seductively over her lips, has my dick rock hard.

"Take her now..we want her now!" My dominant counter part yells.

"Be patient my friend, we don't want to scare her. She knows nothing of our world and how dangerous it is. We have to take it slow so she will accept us." I tell him as I look over to Nevis still enjoying her food.

"Beloved will accept us. She was made for us."

"But if we push her it will take longer."

With a huff he rolls his eyes but stays quiet.

Noticing that I'm staring at her while she eats, stops Nevis's movements and sends a cute little blush to her cheeks.

"You're not doing a good job at hiding the fact that you're staring." my devil interrupts yet again.

"Who said I was trying to hide it." I say back to him in a mono tone.

"Whatever." he responds, as he retreats to the back of my mind. I guess he's finally out of shit to say.

"Are you not gonna eat?" Min Snöflinga asks pulling me away from the unnecessary conversation with  dude.

"I had a quick bite this morning, so I'm fine, min kärlek."

Hearing the cutlery tap the plate softly as Nevis places her fork down and looks directly at me with hesitation written on her face.

"What's wrong love?"

"How long have I been here?" she gets the courage to ask.

"Four days." No need to beat around the bush because I need answers from her about the asshole that took her.

"F..four days? Seriously?" She stammers out in disbelief.

"Yes, min kärlek. You were unconscious for three days and you slept in for one."

"I can't believe it's been four days. How did you know I was in trouble?"

How do I explain to her that it was through the matebond that we share. Even though she may not understand the pull she feels towards me, I on the other hand understand it all to well.

The night Nevis went missing I had just dropped her off at her door and teleported myself back to my home when she went inside. As soon as I made it to my room I felt a wave of pain in my abdomen that kept increasing, feeling like I was being kicked or punched in the gut, over and over again. It took me a minute to register that it wasn't my pain I was feeling but in fact it was Nevis's.

I immediately reached into Angus and Samuel's thoughts and told them to meet me at her address because I knew something was wrong with my girl.

By the time we got there Nevis had been loaded into a black SUV and since we didn't know at the time about the witch on their payroll, our trackers ended up losing them in transition.

Closing the distance between us I reach out and grab Nevis's hand and tug her up out the chair she sitting in and take the seat myself, pulling her down with me so she can sit in my lap.

"Nevis I want you to know that I will always find you sweetheart no matter how long it takes. Now go in the living room and wait for me. Once I'm done cleaning in here, we can start getting answers."

She has no idea how anxious my devil is to touch her. To have her under us in every delicious way possible. We can almost feels out fangs piercing her delicate skin as our cock gives her the ultimate pleasure.

"All in due time my friend..all in due time." I tell my devil so he can stop sending these distracting images into my head.

"Rory can I help with the dishes?." My sweet angel asks saving me from my own subconscious.

"No my Queen just go in the other room and relax til I'm done. I'll be there soon." I instruct her as I caress her cheek soothingly. Standing and walking to the living room I get up and start cleaning and putting away the dishes we just used. After about 15 minutes my devil speaks again.

"Something is wrong with our beloved."

"Nothing is wrong with Nevis she is safe in the other room." I assure him but he is pacing back and forth inside my mind.

Once I finish up I go into the living room and I see Nevis sleeping on the couch with a frown on her face and tears trickling down her cheeks.

Walking closer to her a bend down next to her and with a light shake I try and wake her. "Snöflinga... Snöflinga...Nevis...wake up. You need to get up babygirl so we can talk."

With an adorable scrunch to her nose she opens one eye and looks at me. Upon recognition she sits up and stretches her body and gives me her undivided attention.

"Ok Rory." Is all she manages out while still staring in my eyes.

"I know you have questions and so do I. So let's talk, babygirl."

I stand up from kneeling and take a seat in the chair across from her because I need some distance between us to keep a hold of the small bit of control I have over my devil, who is pushing at the front of my mind to get out. I know if he is in control he would push her too hard without realizing he's doing more damage than good. 

"You don't know me, I would never hurt our beloved." He complains.

"We share the same body and mind. Who knows you better then me?"


"Yeah I thought so.."

Anyway before I was rudely interrupted...

I don't want to push her to fast but me and the boys need answers. They have been on standby since Nevis woke up the first time under the doctor's care.

We can't seem to find anything on this ghost of a man who took her. The witch that he works with is covering his tracks well and making it hard on our trackers as well as Sam to gain any relevant information about him.

"Do you know who took you Nevis?" Is the first question I can think of to ask her because I can't wait for answers any longer.

Nodding her head like the good girl she is she responds, "Mathew, the man my aunt sold me too."

"Mathew Wright the man you told me about in the woods?" I ask

"Yes, he took me the day you walked me home. Saying I was whoring around and couldnt stay at home anymore."

"What happened after that." I questioned her because that part I figured out on my own from the pain I experienced on her behalf.

"Umm...well after that...after that?" She seems confused about her answer.

"Snöflinga, is everything ok?"

Looking to me in a state of confusion she trys again to answer my question. " After that..beaten...sob*...blood...sob*..."

She starts to clutch her head and bends over and places her head between her knees and screams.. " hurts...make it stop!!.."

Running to her side I pick her up and place her on my lap and run my hand up and down her back in a soothing motion while whispering sweets words in her ear. As the tingles do there job Nevis starts to calm down.

Her breathing evens out and she stills in my arms. Looking down to her face I see she's passed out. Picking her up bridal style I walk her back to her room and place her in the bed. Making sure she ok I turn and walk out and immediately link Angus.

"Grab everyone and meet me in my office..we have things to discuss."


Double update 😊😊😊

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