Chapter 18

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First off I want to thank everyone for going on this journey with me.. I never ever thought my book would make it to 10,000k in reads!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm super grateful and hope you enjoy the rest of this ride with me...THANK YOU!!!!

⚠️⚠️ Mature Content

Nevis POV

When I open my eyes I see I'm back in the beautiful pink room I was in earlier. I guess Rory must have brought me back here after our talk, which I'm sure I passed out at because I don't remember how it ended. All I recall is getting a massive headache and an unbearable pain ripping through my head.

I feel like lately my world has been turned upside down. There are things going on around me, weird things, scary things, and I don't understand why it's happening.

Three rapid taps from the door, brings me out of my thoughts and gains my attention quickly. Not waiting for a response, the door immediately opened allowing Rory to emerge from the other side.

"How are you feeling Snöflinga?" Rory's deep smooth voice asks as he walks in, crossing the room in quick strides, and stopping at the side of the bed I'm currently laying in.

I swear I could cum from his voice alone.

"I'm good...I feel like all I do is pass out around you. How long was I out this time?" I breathe out of frustration because he always seems to see me at my worst.

"It's only been a few hours and it's ok if I make you weak in the knees, princess." He teases me with his sexy signature smirk plastered across his face.

Laughing at his words I can't help but ask, "Seriously? That's what you go with...How old are your pick up lines?...that was so corny." Collecting the imaginary stray tear from my eye.

"Older then you think sweetheart." He responds with a straight face causing me to stop my laughter and to wonder what he could mean by that statement.

"Now that you're up love, I'm here to bring you to my office where everyone's waiting, so move that cute little ass of yours."

Feeling a familiar warmth on my cheeks, I swear this man finds ways to turn my sepia skin into a tomato red with just words alone.

Shying away from his comment I try to get some clarification on his spoken words, "Everyone?... is waiting for me?"

"Yes, you....Sleeping beauty, now let's go." He says while taking a single step back, barley giving me enough space to stand.

Noticing he wasn't making an attempt to move back further, I pulled the cover off my body and swung my legs over the side and stood out of bed...slowly I might add...only leaving a tiny gap between us. With my height being a very tall 5 feet 3 inches (look I'm 7'2 at heart) I barely reach up to his chest. Now that I'm standing so close to him, I feel his presence wrap around me and his scent engulf me, providing me with a sense of security I didn't realize I needed at that moment.

"Rory." I whisper as his smell continues to intoxicate me, doing unspeakable things in my body and mind.

Wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me impossibly closer, to where there's no longer an inch between us. Burying his nose in the nape of my neck and inhaling, sends a small shiver over my skin, straight to my core.

" smell so good min kärlek (my love). Jag kan inte vänta på ett smakprov." he speaks softly as I feel something small but sharp graze the side of my neck, causing a small moan to escape from my mouth.
(I can't wait for a taste.)

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