Chapter 11

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Samuel up top,^^

Rory POV

I've been sitting in the same room for the past three days, starring at the gorgeous woman lying unconscious on the bed in front of me. She has bruises covering her silky sepia skin, with busted lips that are slightly chapped and tangled hair that still has traces of blood in it. Even with the multiple tubes sticking out from various places she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"I agree" my devil speaks.

With a slight huff I respond, "Of course you do."

"What's wrong with our beloved?" his question is full of concern.

"She's been through a lot, she just needs rest." I try to pacify him but I'm just as worried.

It's been three days since we rescued Nevis and she still hasn't regained consciousness.

Knocking coming from the door pulls my attention away from min snöflinga (my Snoflake) momentarily.

"Yeah?" I respond to the knocker and they immediately open the door revealing...Angus.

"How is she?" he questions

"The same"

"Come to the office we wanna go over something with you."

"I'm not leaving her side, she needs me here."

"I know Brother, but we found something you should hear about and I don't think you wanna discuss this here.We can send the doctor in to stay with her until you come back."

I know whatever he has to tell me must be important so I don't think twice to link the doctor to sit with her until I return.

When the doctor makes it here I let her know that I won't be long and to contact me immediately if anything changes.

Walking into the office and sitting behind my desk, I am met with four pairs of eyes of my most trusted.

"How's your girl?" Sam asks as soon as I'm seated.

"No changes so far."

"It's been three days, I don't understand why shes still not awake." Everett states with his brow frowned in a confused manor.

"The doctor said she has been through a lot. She had new bruises forming on top of old bruises all over her body that were barely healed. Not only is she underweight but she also has a weak immune system. It's going to take some time for her body to heal. So she needs plenty of rest."

Everyone just nodded in understanding knowing it's now up to Nevis to determine when she'll wake up.

"Tell me, what's so urgent I had to leave my Queens side? "I ask, finally getting down to business.

Samuel stands and places a USB drive in front of me. "The day we rescued Nevis we decided to go back later that night to scope out and see if anyone would return to the bunker. We waited an entire day, but nobody showed up. We decided to send in a team to comb through the building since we determine, it was abandoned."

As I'm loading the contents on the computer they continue with the conversation.

"Don't you think it was all...a little two easy?" that's Ethan voice asking.

"I thought the same thing E." Angus states rubbing his chin a bit.

"Yeah about look at this." Sam reaches over and make a few clicks on the computer and brings a message that was written in blood on the wall.

I'll let you have my toy for now Rory, but know this, I WILL be coming for what you owe me soon. You and your family took everything from me and it's time, you pay it back. When you least expect it I will take everything from you.
Until then have fun with my little gift.

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