Chapter 26

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Rory's POV

After I finished my breakfast, I look down to see min snöflinga in a haze on top of my desk with her pretty little panties soaked to the core and her chest moving up and down trying to even out her breathing.

"Such a beautiful mess." Sargon chuckles out.

'"Right you are my friend." I agree with him as my gaze runs across her body hungrily.

"I'm ready for a second helping but we don't have time." He grunts as he retreats to the back of my mind.

"Nevis, baby as much as I'm loving the way you look sprawled out on top of my desk, pussy dripping and oh so inviting, but unfortunately we have guests arriving now."

Nodding in understanding, Nevis slowly closes her legs, straightens up her body and adjusts her clothing...minus her panties...and try to make herself as presentable as possible and not like she was just being devoured on top of my desk.

Three hard knocks from outside the door takes my attention away from the beauty in front of me as I grant permission for the outsiders to enter.

Standing tall I hide Nevis's delicate frame away from the on lookers, letting my possessiveness come forth after having just a little taste of her.

"Rory I brought the birdy." Angus voice resonates through the space.

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that." An unfamiliar voice snaps at him but not to unfamiliar to Min Snöflinga.

"Jade?" I hear a questioning whisper behind me.

Stepping around, Nevis appears from behind and places herself right in front of me and stares at her friend with her mouth open in disbelief.

"Nevis? Is that really you?" Her friend questions as she pulls her into an unyielding embrace.

"Jade, what are you doing here?" Nevis questions.

Jade takes that moment to move back slightly and look into her eyes as she responds, "Me? What are You doing here? I've been worried sick about you for months,and here you are living in the lap of luxury while I'm out here wondering if something bad happened to you." Jade states, raising her voice a little.

"I'm sorry." I hear Nevis whisper as she places her head down in shame, not knowing how to explain to her friend the horrors she has been through.

"Nevis has been through a lot. So give her time to explain before you go jumping to conclusions." I chime in saving her from having to go into detail making them both look over at me.

"And who the hell are you?" This Jade person demands.

Sargon definitely doesn't like the way this little girl is speaking to us because the air starts to warm around us and a hissing sound is already leaving my lips as a spark resonates within my eyes.

"Förlåt henne din nåd, hon vet inte till vem hon talar. Angus steps in quickly with his head bowed as he speaks.

(Forgive her your grace,she knows not to whom she speaks)

"Jade please be nice." Min Snöflinga steps in to try and settle her friend.

"What is going on here and why are y'all acting like he is the second coming to Jesus!"

"Listen Birdy, I advise you watch your tongue before you lose it." Angus utters to her.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that...Aggie."

I can tell she is trying his patients because the look he shoots her could have killed her three times over.

"Jade." Nevis calls out gaining the attention of her friend who looks like she is ready to blow a fuse.

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