Chapter 15

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Nevis POV

I'm sitting in the living room waiting for Rory to finish cleaning the kitchen after breakfast. I offered to do the dishes but he told me No, and to come get comfortable in the living room and wait for him, and that's what I'm currently doing.

As I wait, I decided to take a look around and admire the dark decor covering the massive space. When all of a sudden, I start to feel a throbbing sensation in my head. With a slight rub to my temple I try to ignore it and keep my attention on the different art work hanging on the walls around me, but it doesn't seem to be working because the pain keeps increasing.

Unfortunately as the throbbing get stronger, it starts to feel as if my head is being split in two. Falling to my knees, I grab a hand full of my unruly strands and tug for dear life as the pain magnify.

"Ahhh...make it stop....make it stop! It hurts.... please make it stop!" I yell out as the tearing in my head continues.

As I'm praying for the sensation to digress, a deep voice I'm not quite familiar with, or am I, breaks through. "Ah...there you are my Liten häxa. (little witch). Did you miss me?" He asks.

"Who are you? Why are you in my head?...go away!" yelling out confused because the more I try to get my brain to think the more the tension in my head increases.

I don't understand how this is possible. How is there even a voice inside my head and why does it feels as if I have no control over my conscience or my actions.

"Can someone please tell me whats going on!" I shout as tears start to obscure my vision.

"You belong to me, Pet. That is all you need to know for now."  the voice booms as my brain feels as if it's going to pop from the pressure.

"Be a good Pet, and do as you're told. Defy me and you won't survive your punishment...and you know how I love to punish you, Liten häxa." The man threatens.

I start to tremble at these words because they sound too familiar. Images of me being strapped to a table and being struck with a leather whip as trails of blood leak down my backside, start to take over. My screams echo through the playroom, as this monster refers to it, as he rips my clothes off and starts delivering punches to my stomach, chest and face.

I can still taste the blood in my mouth from when I once tried to escape by tricking the maid who brought my food. I slipped the key off her person when she was cleaning my wounds once. I even made it out of the room only to find myself in a maze and I had no idea how to find my way out.

There were no windows or other doors where I was so I couldn't figure out which way to go..but no matter I was caught within ten minutes of my attempted escape. And that's when I was dragged back to that monsters play room and beaten with a paddle until I turned purple, black, and blue. The bruising on my body was just the half of it. He left me strapped to that table for two days bleeding and suffering in my own mistake.

Of course he didn't send the maid back in to help dress my wounds. No he sent in Marcus, his loyal "yes man" ,who I feel is just an obedient lap dog. He only does as he's told and doesn't make small talk no matter how much I tried.

As these memories continue to surface I breakdown not being able to handle the rollercoaster my mind is putting me through.

Memories I had no clue I even had.

"Why can't I remember anything from the past couple weeks.." I sob out, frustrated with my own mind.

I wanted to scream out more at the deep voice in my head that's causing pain to erupt within my body but it is replaced by a woman sing-song voice chanting over and over in a language that's unfamiliar to me.

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