Chapter 25

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Nevis POV

What in the world have I gotten myself into.

Vampires exist and I'm a future wow.

Now I just need to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me.

It's been two days since I found out about the vampire race and met Sargon. He and Rory have been extremely patient with me, giving me time and space to process all this new and strange information.

I have so many questions I need to gain answers for before I truly start to accept this as my new reality but I know Rory will be there for those answers so today I have decided to pick his brain to learn more about this world.

It hasn't been completely easy especially with the past two nights. I been having these horrible nightmares of a red eyed monster standing over me constantly repeating the same mantra over and over.

"I am your Master. You are my Pet. You belong to me!"

Each night I awake in sweats screaming for someone to save me then the dream seems to disappear in my memory and when I come to I can't remember why I was screaming but the negative feeling it leaves behind is very real.

Now I find out that the monster of my dreams is real and a vampire himself and my aunt sold me off to him.

My reality.

Looking around the room I've been occupying for the past few days I still can't believe where my life has taken me, but it seems my journey is far from it's end.

Getting up and going into the bathroom I follow my morning routine and make myself presentable...I mean I have been staying in a castle all this time, I don't want to be the only one under dressed at the breakfast table.

After I'm all done, I take my leave and head down towards the dining hall to gather my meal. Doing this has made me learn my way through this huge maze a bit because let me tell you I have gotten lost more times then I care to share.

Don't judge me...ok.

When I arrive at the breakfast room, I see the twins and Sam sitting there eating their meal, lost in whatever conversation they are having. Once they notice my arrival the table talks quickly quiets down.

"Good morning." I speak out to the guys in the room.

"Morning Nevis." Sam responds first.

"Good morning Nevis." The twins say in unison.

"Where is Rory? Will he not be joining us?"

"I believe he's still in his office." Ethan says.

"Yeah, he's been in there since last night." Everett adds on.

" The situation with the rouges is getting out of hand so he trying to find away to put a stop to it." Sam continues to explain while popping a piece of fruit in his mouth.

Now I know this has nothing to do with our situation right now but it fascinates me that they can eat and drink regular food but they still feed off blood.

Rory says it's because they enjoy the idea of eating but only can find substance in blood.

Speaking of Rory I wonder what he's up to right now or when was the last time he has eaten.

"Sam do you think you could take me to Rory? I'm sure he's hungry too."

"Yeah I'll take you up to him but only after you finish your food. Can't have Sargon ready to fry my ass into bacon all because you didn't eat yours."

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