Chapter 21

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Nevis POV


"Yes Master..."

"The time is nearing a good pet and please your Master.. I'll be coming for you soon liten häxa ." (little witch)

"Yes, Master..."


"Excuse me Miss, but it's time to wake up." I groan while an unfamiliar voice breaks my sleep.

Peeking out I see an older woman in a maids uniform softly gazing down at me.

"I was told to wake you so you would have some time to freshen up." she states with a warm smile.

"Ok..Thank you." Taking a quick look at my surroundings I noticed the scenery has changed again. "Where am I?" I ask confused on why I am always waking up in unfamiliar places. Like am I that hard of a sleeper to where people can just move me without my knowledge?

"That will be all Mrs. Coleman" a deep voice chimes in before I could get my answer.

She turns and bows her head slightly and quietly leaves the room.

Rory is standing by the door with a tray in his hands with a delicious aroma swirling around it. My stomach growled right on que choosing to let everyone in here know how hungry I am.

As I admire this alluring specimen in front of me, the man and not the food, a dark image of red eyes flashes before me, causing tension to enter my bones but the image disappears as fast as it came. Shaking my head slightly to remove the lingering effect of the pictures in my head, I bring my attention back to the masculine figure that's smirking at me.

Not only has my stomach betrayed me, so has my body since we have been caught staring once again at the man himself.

"Good morning Snöflinga, I was going to ask were you hungry but your stomach seems to have already answered that question." He teases, deciding to call me and my stomach out early this morning.

"I may or may not be a tad bit peckish." I joke shyly already embarrassed enough.

"Just a tad bit huh. Good thing I'm here then."

Moving closer with the tray of food he places it down on the dresser next to the bed and takes a seat at my side.

"Tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He asks as his eyes roam my face apprehensively.

"Rory be straight with me...what's going on? I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm having all these dreams about weird things like monsters with red eyes torturing me, beating me, constantly trying to break me and I'm always so tired. Tired of seeing unexplainable things, knowing they're not real but can't get your brain to cooperate with you." I say ultimate defeated as I close my eyes and lean my head back on the head board creating a silence between us.

I can feel Rory's gaze penetrating my soul without having to look at him, "Look at me." He softly commands and my eyes snap open, obeying immediately.

Reaching out and taking my hand in his. I feel his rough callouses landing on me, and the cool tingles immediately starts spreading across my skin.

"Do you feel that Snöflinga?"

Lost in the feeling of his touch I nod my head slowly answering his question but I still don't understand why it happens whenever we touch.

Trailing his hand slowly up the back of my arm,  and over my shoulder and up the back of my neck, gripping it firmly pulling my body towards him, closing the space between us. His mouth is so close I can feel each breath he takes dancing across my lips, causing my state of arousel to erupt.

Her Vampire Saviour Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ