Chapter 24

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Jade POV 😊

I miss my friend...

It's been two months since Nevis disappeared and I've grown more and more worried for her as each day passes. I can't help but wonder if something bad has happened and if she is out there all alone fighting for her life with no one to help her.

Around a month ago, I started showing up at her family's place after school hoping to catch a glimpse of her to see if maybe she's sick, avoiding school, or maybe avoiding me? mind can't keep itself from wondering if maybe something much worse has happened and she decided to do something stupid against her own self.

I remember the time right after she lost her dad she lost all hope and fell into a depressive state. She was once a vibrant and outgoing girl even after she lost her mom but when her dad passed away she withdrew from everyone and started spending a lot of time alone, which worried me to death. As her friend I couldn't just stand by and let her face her troubles alone so I tried to be there for her as much as possible. Until one day I showed up at her place so we could go to the diner. She hadn't been answering my calls or messages, so I decided go to her house only to find her in her room alone passed out on the floor with one of her wrists cut open bleeding everywhere. I can't help but worry for her now knowing she has always been dealt the shorter end of the stick when it comes to life and I just want to know that my friend is ok.

I noticed that the last few weeks she did attend school she seemed distracted like something was always troubling her, but she never said a word only engaging in conversation after someone practically screamed her name several times.

From time to time I've bumped into Amaya in the halls and asked her if Nevis was ok but each time it took all of my self control not to punch her in the face from her snarky remarks and indifferent attitude. She has been showing up to school like Nevis never existed, wearing expensive designer clothes and shoes like she just hit the damn lotto.

Getting along with her fake ass friends and little boy toy is really annoying to watch but today I'm determined to get some answers from her because I won't stand by if she and that evil ass banshee she considers a mother, have done something horrible to Nevis.

As I sit here staring at the clock, which isn't moving fast enough for my liking, waiting for Amaya's uppity self to walk into our last class of the day...which we obviously share, but she continues to take her sweet ass time.

A few minutes later, I finally hear the classroom door plow open and in walks her and her crew, barging right through the opening with their noses in the air like they own the freaking building.

As the crew passed right by me, Harper glared at me, while the rest passed by without even a glimpse in my direction. When they all made it to their seats in the back of the classroom, I see Harper lean over towards Kinsley and whisper something in her ear and her eyes move towards my direction and a little smirk plays across her lips.

I really couldn't care less about what they are whispering about because today my mind is set on something way more important then, did I wear the right eye shadow to match my lipstick. Nothing they can do will throw me off my mission, not even their stank ass holier than thou attitude.

Standing from my desk I move towards the back of the class as both of the girls are now eyeing me, watching me as I move closer into their space and call out to their leader.

"Amaya!", gaining her attention as I quickly close the distance between us.

"What do you want now, flower girl? You're seriously messing with my feng shui over here." Amaya looks at me like I'm gum stuck on the bottom of her eleven hundred and fifty dollar Cherie Monogram Louis Vuitton pumps.

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