Chapter 28

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Kylie POV

"What did I tell you?" Antonio asked.

I was pushed up against the wall in Antonio's office while his right hand was around my neck and his left hand was at my waist.

"Not to-" I murmured.

"Not to what?" he asked with a smirk.

"Not to touch myself," I said looking away as my cheeks reddened.

"And what did you do?" he asked

"I touch myself," I whispered shamelessly.

"Tell me, should I punish you?" He raised a question.

"No," I replied quickly.

Thankfully his phone rang out.

"Let me take this,"

"Don't leave," he said sternly before answering the call.

After a couple of minutes of him yelling in rage, I decided to go start working.
I looked up to see back turned to me, I got up and then walked out.

"Where were you," Amelia half shouted.

"What's my schedule for today,"

"You know what," she said then stopped.

"Clean the living room, do the laundry, deep clean again, vacuum the living area, and make sure you are finished before 6." She said with a small smirk.

"Six, do you realize what time it-," I started but was cut off.

"Amelia take over Kylie's work for today and make sure you are finished by 6," Antonio said coldly.

"But that's too much work sir," She said fearfully.

But she gave me until 6 to complete all that.

"I don't like to repeat and I definitely don't like to be backtalked," Antonio said lowly in a dangerous voice.

"Yes sir," Amelia replied holding her head down.

"Get ready by 3," he said pointing at me.

Amelia held a look of shock and disbelief.

"Leave," He boomed looking at Amelia.

Upon hearing that Amelia ran out of the room.

He then strides towards me grabs my neck then leans down to my ear.

"I don't like to be disobeyed," He said lowly before while running a finger down my chest.

A shiver ran down my spine as I remember him sternly telling me not to leave his office.

"Be ready by 3," He stated, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"But it's almost 3," I said looking at the clock.

"Then run along," He said with a small smile while he backed away.

"Where are we even going and what am I supposed to wear?" I questioned.

"Wear anything you like Principessa," He said with a wink.

"Time is going Bellissimo.," he added before leaving.

I walked towards the bathroom and took a quick shower. I checked the time once I was finished showering and it was 2:40.

I hissed my teeth then pulled out a wig I quickly installed it then did my makeup  I checked the time again to see that it was 3:30.

Can't blame me a girl gots to do what she has to do.

I wasn't even prepared.

After that, I took out an outfit and got ready. It was 3:30 when I entered the main house.

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