Chapter 27

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This morning when I woke up Antonio was nowhere to be found. I got up and walked towards the bathroom. After doing my morning routine I quickly hit dress and head to the main house.

"Nick," I said cheerfully when I entered the kitchen.

"My darling, I miss you," He said with a genuine smile.

"Awww, I missed you too," I said sitting at the island.

The other maids weren't here so it's just Nick and I.

"Did you come across Mr Rossi," I asked Nick for Antonio.

"Oh yes he left an hour ago," he replied walking to the stove.

"Ohh," was all I said then I changed the topic.

After eating Amelia and the others entered the kitchen.

"I'm going to start working now," I told Nick leaving the kitchen after he nodded.

I entered the cleaning room and walked towards the vacuum then I heard the door fly open.

I turned around and saw Amelia walk in.

"I made a new schedule for you, Take a look," she said with a smile.

I looked at the paper and a frown made its way to my face. It's like she multiplied my work 10 times.

"Why are you doing this," I asked folding the paper.

"I don't know what you mean," she answered with a smirk.

"Yes you do," I stated in a rage

"This is really difficult for everyone but it doesn't have to actually be this hard," I said honestly.

Like no maid work is easy but if you are surrounded by the right people the work will seem like nothing.

"I'm not doing anything Kylie I'm simply doing my job," She said in a serious tone.

"Your job?" I asked nonchalantly

"If you are having a hard time Kylie, I suggest you quit," She said with a smirk.

"No, I know exactly what it is you are trying to do and I'm not going to quit my job just because of you," I said coldly.

"You know he doesn't want you right?" she said.

"What?" I asked confused as to what she was talking about.

"Antonio," she stated and I nodded in understanding.


Is she crazy or delusion or something


"He doesn't want you Kylie. He'll lead you on and then," she said while walking towards.

"The moment you get close," she adds before snapping her fingers.

"He'll dispose of you,"

"Thanks for the heads up but I have work that you assigned me to do," I said with a fake smile.

I picked what I needed and left the laundry room. Slamming the door shut behind me, I stormed down the hallway.


"Kylie I'm having a meeting here in the next five minutes?" Antonio said walking into the living room.

I ignored him and then walked towards my next room. He soon came in and closed the door.

"What's with the attitude?" He asked approaching me.

"Nothing," I replied.

He pulled me towards the bed the sat me down on his.

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