Chapter 6

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Kylie P.O.V

Its been two days since that night at the club and I was currently sitting in my couch watching a movie.

Deciding to check my email. I saw one from four day's old looking at the sender I saw that it was from the Rossi's company.

I didn't remember seeing a message from them.

Maybe because you didn't check your email after the two days. But could you blamed me?

Dear Miss. Smith, I am writing to confirm that you have been accepted in the position of being Mr Rossi personal maid. Therefore a meeting had been scheduled for June 30 2023 at 3pm sharp.

As I finish reading the letter I jumped in excitement thank god. I called Anna right away.

"I got the job" I said jumping up and down.

"Oh my Kylie thank god I'm so happy for you." Anna replied excitement lace in her voice.

I started telling her about me quitting at John's bakery and filling her in with every other detail.

"So I have a meeting June 30 at 3pm for further information." I said sitting.

"What are you going to wear?" Anna asked.

"I don't know plus I have plenty of days leave to get ready." I

replied nonchalantly.

"Plenty of days you mean 2 hours today is June 30." Anna yelled.

"What the fuck, tell me your lying." I said panicking as I ran to my calendar.

"Oh my" I said running my hands through my hair as I checked the time to see that it was 12 o'clock.

"Anna, I'm going to start do my hair and get ready." I said taking out my hair products.

"okay babe, love you and tell me about it when you get back home." She said through the phone.

"Okay hun, will do" I yelled walking to the bathroom as I heard the beep sound signaling that the call ended.

Since I didn't have much formal wear I had to put my clothes together so it gives off that look a little.


It was 3:15 as I stepped into the Rossi's company. After telling the lady at the front what I was there for she made a call then sent me to floor 50. Nodding I walked towards the elevator pressing the button the floor as it started to go up.

As the doors of the elevator open I went to the lady that was at the front desk for that floor and she made a call

too then sent me to room 3.

I found the room in no time since it wasn't plenty of rooms on this floor.

After knocking on the door I waited for a response.

"Come in," the person from inside said.

"Good afternoon." I said as I stepped into to the room.

"Your 40 minutes late and I don't tolerate lateness." He replied in a serious tone.

"I didn't see your email-." I replied as he cut me

"Sit down" he said before looking back at his computer completely ignoring my reason for being late.

I had to work and live with this jerk

I walked to the chair as I took my time to observe the beautiful office it was huge like my whole apartment huge. Everywhere was dark colors as the right amount of light came from the big glass walls that overlook the city.

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