Chapter 19

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Kylie POV
1 month later

It's been one month. I have been ignoring Antonio for the past month. Out of all the maids I got the worst treatment.

At this point, I don't know why he has other maids. Because I'm doing all the work.

It wasn't even this much work when I was the only one.


Today was my day off and I'm currently at the mall by myself of course.

After shopping for hours I found a couple of fits that I was satisfied with.

After leaving the last store I transferred money to my family.

I needed to eat I thought as I heard a loud growl thankfully the place was noisy so no one heard.

A dinner was beside the building so I decided to go there to eat. I entered the diner and sat in the corner. I waited patiently for my food as I looked at the busy streets through the dark-tinted windows.

"Here is your order beautiful," A handsome male around my age said with a little smile.

"Thank you," I murmured as he placed the food down.

"Can I get to know you," He asked politely.

He was handsome

Not like Antonio. I mentally curse the little voice in my head.

Antonio is probably with another bitch. The thought of that made me say something I knew I would never agree to on a normal day.

"Sure," I answered with a small smile.

"Really?" He asked as the smile on his face widened.

His little bubbly action made me chuckle.

"Her.. Here is my phone, please phone me when you are available to hang out," He said happily.

"Ok thank you," I replied taking the card.

He nodded his head before walking away with a huge smile. After eating I left the restaurant and headed home.

It was late in the night and I knew I had work so after showering I went straight to bed.

Next Day
Kylie POV

I entered the kitchen and was met with Amelia the leader of the maid group.

Yes, she was the head.

"Why are you late," she asked in an annoyed tone.

I checked my watch and saw that it was 6:50 a.m. and work started at 7 a.m.
I ignored her and then walked towards Nick.

Amelia hissed her teeth and then stormed out of the kitchen. I looked away from the hall and then at Nick who asked me a question.

"Are you okay darling," He asked worriedly examining my body.

I lost a lot of weight in the past month. I have been killing myself with the work and to finish on time I had to skip lunch and dinner.

Sometimes I would just eat the snacks and juice that I brought for myself.

Which I kept in my room so to guess I didn't go to the kitchen in a month. I brought a kettle, plates, and a cup with a little four-burner stove so I could cook something for myself.

"I'm okay Nick," I said with a small smile.

However, the worried look increased on his face.

"Trust me I'm fine," I said patting his back a little.

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