Yes, they serve the gods by helping people. I serve the gods by helping demi-gods.

Did you choose that or are you doing a different type of work because you're special?

Everyone is special. Different roles are not more or less in value and they certainly don't say anything to our usefulness or capacity. Did I choose it? Yes and no. I was given the role that I would have chosen if at the time I had known everything that the gods know.

Do you enjoy the work?

(eyes light up)
It's fabulous. I am something like a mid-point between the gods and the demi-gods. So I get to help everyone like Gwi and Tae when they have problems, issues, requests, just anything really. And, of course, I have all the best brushes, ink and paper that you can imagine. I love writing supplies.

Me too!

Oh, how marvellous. No one else seems to share my passion. I will bring you some the next time I come. You can see what I mean.

Oh my, we will be at it all day if you're able to stay. You will have to show me your calligraphy too. I prefer drawing because my calligraphy was never quite what my tutor hoped for. I will try to learn from your technique.
(pause, sighs)
I wish I could be like you and Gwi and Tae, helping people and helping gods. It feels so important and worthwhile.

What on earth can you mean by that? My dear, how could you do or be more than you've already done and are? Of course, you will do, you will be. But as yourself, as you grow and become more yourself, not someone else. You're a human, after all. You have just as much authority as the rest of us.

What authority do I have?

(not having much experience with humans, can't believe she's the one telling HR something that's the most basic, fundamental truth in her world, laughs a bit)
What authority? Look around you. The sunlight is streaming in, the servants are humming with delight for the first time in hundreds of years, Gwi is more himself than I've ever known him to be. Let's give credit where it's due, it's Providence's doing. But you were the influence on the ground here. You were the tidal wave that made the first crack and came rushing in to eventually bring about the fall of the great empire of nothingness. Here, in this very place. Great God in the heights, Hye-ryung-a! Don't be envious of anyone else; you are already so much as you are.

Gwi walks in briskly.

Well, I like the sound of that. I feel as though I've missed out on all the fun here.

General flurry of moving and happiness to see Gwi. HR and SJ at the same time.

Hello, sire.

Oh Gwi, I hope you're joining us.

(to HR, full of affection)
Hello, my dear.
(to SJ)
Actually, I would love to, but – I'm genuinely stunned, and thrilled, to say this – Hyeon has been calling to you for a while now. You must have been carried away having so much fun here that you didn't hear him.

SJ panics and looks like she's stopping to think for a moment.

(to the air)
I'll be right there, Father.
(to HR)
I'm so sorry Hye-ryung. I have to dash. I will see you soon. Thank you for having me.

SJ disappears instantly. Gwi sits down next to HR and begins picking at the food.

What happened? Is something wrong?

Not at all. Soo-ji just isn't used to missing things. This might even be her first time. Hyeon wants her help with a job that he's working on. But you two must have been having quite a time together.

Yes, I am so glad to have met her. I hope that she can visit more often.

Let me know any time you want me to call for her. The next time she comes maybe she can work on your communication links so you can call to her too. She's not a demi-god you can summon so she will have to build you a path herself.
(pause, reaches out to touch HR's face)
'Already so much as you are.' Yes, you certainly are.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now