Fudge clearly didn't trust her, maybe that was why nothing else had been revealed to her yet.

Did everyone else not trust her either?

And who was everyone else?

Who was this man who knew of her family?

Her wand had said they barely scratched the surface with such information being revealed to her.

Perhaps this was what it was talking about.

Whatever her father did could still threaten that from happening.

Whenever Bel sat in her clearing to think it all through, she would always come to the same conclusion.

A confused conclusion, but a conclusion nonetheless.

The only way any of her questions would get answered is if she found the right person.

And the first step in finding someone who knew her parents would be to at least know their names.

Well, her mother's name.

Bel was too scared to find out anything about her father whilst her wand could still pose a threat.

She was only two years into her training, and whilst she had made outstanding progress, those around her were still worried it wasn't enough.

Bel wanted to prove to them she wouldn't turn out like her father might have been.

That she wouldn't doom everyone around her.

That she wouldn't lead Harry to his doom.

And that would require keeping her focus and keeping up her training.

Thus, in her practices with Dumbledore, Bel worked twice as hard.

In the one lesson they had where she learnt wandless magic, Bel had been speeding through spells, motivated by all of her emotions surrounding this mystery of her mother and father.

It helped her master them much quicker.

As for duelling, Bel had found that she was beating Dumbledore more often.

Her Patronus was strong, fuelled by memories of herself and those she cared for.

People she didn't want to hurt.

People she didn't want to lead to their dooms.

There had been no run ins with dementors, no more sightings of Sirius Black, and no word from Lucius Malfoy about Hagrid or Buckbeak.

Something Bel was grateful to Draco for.

And so, October had been filled with the teenage Hufflepuff throwing herself into her studies and trying to think of a way to garner her mother's name.

Now, she didn't turn to her friends for help with this matter.

Hermione had already searched for any mention of Whitlock in the history books and had found nothing.

All they would do is ask more questions. Questions Bel couldn't answer herself.

And on the day of Halloween, when all of her classmates were heading off into Hogsmeade, Bel had planned to use that day to go looking for her mother's name herself.

Maybe she would just ... know.

If she saw her in a picture. Or perhaps something written in the same hand of that on the note she was given by her.

An instant connection between mother and daughter.

So, the second Riley, Ollie, and Tia left that morning to go to Hogsmeade, promising to bring Bel back some sweets, she departed for the library in search of her mother.

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