24. Unicorns Blood

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but Draco is such a little scaredy cat and I love it


Hagrid and Bel were at the front, leading the group through the trees and fog.

Harry and Draco were following them. Ron and Hermione taking up their positions at the back.

They hadn't said a word since entering the forest. Bel could practically feel the fear radiating off her other four classmates.

She had become weirdly comfortable in the forest.

But that was to be expected. She had been in and out so many times that she had lost count.

However, entering at night did have a certain terrifying atmosphere that wasn't present when Bel was there during the day in the safety of her clearing.

Knowing that her clearing was there also gave her a sense of comfort.

If something did go wrong, she had memorised exactly how to get there as quickly as possible.

It had been enchanted by herself to not let anything in that would wish her harm, and that had come in handy a few times when she had been on jobs with Hagrid.

After an estimated thirty minutes of walking, and multiple flinches from her classmates at literally any noise later, Hagrid spotted something on the ground, and they came to a stop.

It was a small pool of thick, silver liquid.

The half giant dipped his fingers into the liquid and held it up into the light from the lamp he had been carrying.

"Hagrid, what is that?" Harry said the first words that had been spoken in some time.

"What we're here for. See tha'?" Hagrid replied as he held his fingers covered in the liquid towards the students.

"That's unicorn blood, that is. Bel and meself found one dead a few weeks ago", he continued.

Bel couldn't hold back the memories of seeing the helpless creature lying on the floor of the forest.

Hagrid tried to tell her that it passed without pain. But there were wounds on the poor thing.

Since then, a few more unicorns had been injured and there was one they hadn't yet found.

"Now, this one's been hurt bad by somethin'. So it's our job to go and find the poor beast", Hagrid explained.

Bel saw Harry glance off in a different direction. When she followed his eyeline, there was nothing there.

But the look in his eyes told her that what he had seen wasn't good.

"Ron, Hermione, come with me", Hagrid instructed.

"Okay", Ron said in a strained, nervous voice.

"Harry, Malfoy, you'll go with Bel", Hagrid added.

Draco pulled a very distasteful face as Harry nodded.

"Okay. Then I get Fang", Draco demanded.

"Fine. Just so ya know, he's a bloody coward. Bel's the one who'll keep ya safe in 'ere", Hagrid responded.

It was true that Fang wasn't much help.

Bel loved Hagrid's big dog, but she had seen him run out of the forest faster than she did.

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