22. Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did this match would have 1000% been in the film, along with Ron and Neville beating up Draco haha


The start of term bought a wave of emotional reunions.

Riley held Bel in such a tight hug that she almost passed out.

Ollie couldn't stop telling everyone how much he had missed them over Christmas break. Him being an only child meant it was quite lonely.

Tia couldn't engage in hugs as she had been injured over Christmas by her brother, Patrick, in a very competitive game of what she called 'family quidditch'.

Cedric had apparently told his father about his 'troublesome little school sister' and now he was demanding that Bel came over to stay at some point.

Hermione bought back about a hundred new books she had received for Christmas and handed all of the spell ones over to Bel as she had already read them.

Draco Malfoy was back as his usual unpleasant self, but so far, he hadn't approached Bel with yet another offer for her to switch up her choice of friends.

As for Bel herself, she was overjoyed that the school was once again full and her friends had all returned.

If she had to spend one more evening entertaining Harry and Ron, she would go crazy.

She was also overjoyed that her lessons with Dumbledore were no longer at four per week, but two. Finally, she could rest more in between them.

The final thing Bel was overjoyed with is that with Hermione back, the four friends could resume their search for Nicholas Flamel.

It had been starting to bug her that they weren't able to find any information on the mysterious man.

But finally, after an entire term and Christmas break of searching, Hermione remembered something.

"I had you looking in the wrong section. How could I be so stupid?" Bel heard Hermione say as she approached the library table that herself, Harry, and Ron were sat around.

Suddenly, Hermione slammed a huge book down onto the table in front of them.

"I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading", Hermione continued as she sat down and started to flick between the pages.

"This is light?" Ron asked in disbelief at the size of the book in front of him.

Hermione shot him a deathly glare before running her fingers down one of the pages.

"Of course! Here it is! Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's stone", she read.

"The what?" Harry and Ron asked at the same time.

"Honestly, don't you two read?" Hermione asked in a judgmental tone as she glanced between the two boys sat opposite her.

"Hey! I do read ... when I feel like it. And what about Bel? I doubt she knows what that thing is", Ron argued.

"I know Bel reads because of the books I give her. Not to mention she can have a coherent conversation about topics that are in books. Can you say the same?" Hermione argued back.

"Okay, we can all read books. Just tell us what it says, Hermione", Bel chimed in before Ron could get another word out.

"The Philosopher's stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It'll transform any metal into pure gold and produces the elixir of life which will make the drinker immortal", Hermione read aloud.

Power and Persecution [1] || Harry Potter x OC x Draco MalfoyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα