Harbinger of the End (IV): Silva v. Death

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Just namely one of the several mortal wounds my speed couldn't aid me in evading.

A rainstorm...of blades?

I felt like a dragonfly caught in a net with no escape existing regardless of where my head looked for salvation from the barrage.

The longer I endured the all-encompassing brunt, the more my flame-tipped spear slid closer to the tips of my fingers, teetering close to the edge it could slip free any second at the drop of a hat.


My eyes shuttered closed, lacking the motivation and urgency to reopen. The flames under my feet providing me with aerial movement felt more like warm gas, sputtering and sniffling until its lease on life was snuffed out entirely by the high winds like a candle. I transcended further away from the sky above as I fell with no control left over my body.

"How do you like it...?"

With the accuracy of a deadeye; drilling through like an arrow puncturing the bullseye, my body felt on the verge of splitting. A hole ruptured my torso courtesy of the enemy's sharpened metal legs which stuck out the other end of my stomach.

The massive blood loss was something I couldn't overcome alone. The nerves in my body felt rigid like stone. Pain and discomfort ran laps over and around me, yet the presence of neither measured up enough to keep my head in the fight and out of the realm of delirium it gladly seeped into as we became submerged in cold wetness.

Descending further and further, much like the natural tether it was, gravity sunk us away from the light glistening on the water's surface. From my mental state eroding to dust to instead slowly being introduced to absolute madness, I heard the girl's voice or something similar in tone echo in my ears as my mind succumbed to her.

"...My poison I mean. I'm quite keen on melting anything down that's an annoying hindrance, but your beautiful movements and unwavering defiance have persuaded me."

"...You'll make for a lovely infected puppet."

"Fall to this numbing pleasure, dear lancer."

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"Old man of the mountain? You've killed one elderly man from a mountain, you've killed them all. Isn't this script getting rather repetitive? You're just another immortal who's well outlived their expiration date. Lucky for you I happen to be a collector of antiques, just ask the Olympians."

Forcing his blade to move through my resistance, the obsidian sword acted as a club, powering through my claws to scoop me under the arms before launching me afar. The figure flexing his power as if my underestimation of him left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Though, you are somewhat stronger than a few I've faced. It's suddenly dawned on me that we've met before." Crossing my arms, my head nodded in affirmation while I spiraled through the sky like a flipped coin, until I brought myself to land calmly beside Cerberus once again. "You're indeed that old cushion wrinkle I crossed paths with in Hell, I'm sure of it."

"Thoust did not heed my warning before, now our threads have aligned as enemies. Much like I feared." Rolling his neck, the skeletal man stood back to his full height, easily being half as tall as my three-headed ally.

"F-Founder." Gunning for the figure at full speed, the man's black hand stopped Serenity in her tracks before she ran the rest of the distance keeping them apart.

"Dóst not squander this opportune chance to rest. His wings shall fold under my might, so that you may clip them."

Instant teleportation? ...No, this is just raw speed.

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