Fairy Tail - Alodie

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Now Playing: Greenfinch and Linnet Bird

+ General Info +

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"How is it you sing? How can you jubilate...sitting in cages? Never taking wing..."

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- Alodie Rêve LaCroix

Name meaning-

Alodie = French name meaning Wealth , rêve = French for dream, LaCroix=French for "The Cross"


-Ally, Alo,


-17 (At start of show), 20 (By end of it)




-Ghost Magic (Allows her do ghostly stuff like levitate, use telekinesis but only on objects and not people, and allows her to phase through things when using her magic)

+ Personality +

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"Outside the sky awaits, beckoning...just beyond the bars"

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-Very meek at first, having been manipulated by her previous guild to believe nobody else cares about her. But she opens up once she gets to know the members of Fairy tail (her new guild). Once comfortable she becomes more cheerful and less shy but still keeps her calm and soft spoken nature.


-Scary stories, Music, The night sky, Her friends, Art, pranking others, sneaking up on people


-Silence, Being told what to do, Being lied to, Being tricked (which is easy to do when it comes to her), Bitter foods


-silence, the dark

+ Backstory +

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"How can one remain...staring at the rain...maddened by the stars..."

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She was a young girl, shunned by her village and family because of her magic. They thought her magic was...too scary.

She was stuck on the outskirts of her previous village when a dark guild found her. They figured her power must be something impressive if her village was scared of her and so they convinced her to join them.

As she got older she realised how cruel the guild was and hated being a part of it, but they'd manipulated her emotionally to the point where they had her believing nobody else cared for her apart from them, truth is they didn't care either.

Because of all this she was quite meek. 

One day (When she was 17, if this was an episode would be towards the middle or end of season 1, or would have it's own arc in the season), Fairy tail went to fight the guild.

The dark guild forced Alodie to fight alongside them, but it was clear she was reluctant to do so after all...the dark guild were evil, fairy tail were not...she didn't want to fight people who were good (In a moral sense, not by fighting standards, fighting skills didn't phase her)

Alodie hesitated to attack, but the guild master told her "It's fight for us, or else you have no one. Remember, we're the only ones who care, without us you're alone and have nowhere to go."

The fairy tail wizards noticed the blatant manipulation and decided to help Alodie get out of there...they told her that the guild were wrong and offered to let her join Fairy Tail instead and she did...

Due to her treatment in her previous guild she was nervous at first when she started in fairy tail but began to open up over time.

+ Looks +

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"My cage has many rooms...damask and dark...nothing there sings..."

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She has light brown hair and grey eyes. Her hair is short, but curly and seemingly elegantly styled. Given her ghost like abilities she tends to dress the part in very 'new romantic' style (Just search it on google).

She is pretty pale, again because of her ghostly magic, and she is average height and weight. She isn't very curvy and has a more...plain looking figure.

+ Relationships +

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"Teach me to be more adaptive"

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-Most of Fairy Tail (Eventually), her closest friends are Natsu, Lucy and Happy though.

Love Interest:


+ Extra Info +

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"Teach me how to sing."

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Theme Song:

(Because...you know feeling trapped, just like she did with her old guild)

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