Estelle Stredi (Star Wars Rebels)

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Name: Estelle Stredi

Age: 17-18 (Depending on the rp)

Gender: Female

Personality: Very caring and ambitious, however if she doesn't know someone, when she first meets them she will act cold and indifferent. She only does this though because she has lost people before and has a fear of getting attached to someone and losing them so she acts cold to try and stop them getting close to her emotionally. Although, eventually she will open up to them and finally be herself when she is certain she won't lose them. When she's herself she becomes much more open, caring, friendly and helpful. She has low self worth though and is surprisingly easy to trick and manipulate despite her determined nature.


Blue eyes, red hair that reaches just past her shoulders. She wears a black vest under a grey jacket with darker grey pants. She always wears a dark blue bandanna.

Likes: Her friends, Fighting, Star gazing

Dislikes: Silence, loneliness

Rebel or empire: Rebel

Crush: Ezra Bridger

Flaws/weaknesses: thinks very lowly of herself and her skills often leading her to mess up

Weapons: A blaster

Species: Human


She grew up in a village on a small planet. The village was home to a secret rebel group, although soon the empire discovered the location of this group, which consisted of half the village. Her parents were a part of that group of rebels and were taken by the empire when Estelle was 14. Thankfully, there were villagers who weren't rebels that took her in and helped look after her and her younger sister (Who's name was Ascella). When she was 17 she moved out and lived with just her sister. One day the ghost crashed near the village, and though reluctant Estelle allowed them to stay in her home until their ship was repaired. This took longer than expected and she found herself warming up to them, despite acting cold at first. She told them about her life and how her parents were rebels as well. Soon they were ready to leave and offered to let her join their crew, she accepted the offer and joined them leaving one of the villagers to take care of her sister.

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