creepypasta - Mistress Alice

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Name: Alice Mallory

Creepypasta name: Mistress Alice

Creepypasta story name: A World Of Her Own

Age: 19

Looks: Long curly Ginger hair, blue eyes ans pale skin. She is 5"5 and has a lean build. She wears a dress reminiscent of what Alice wears in Alice In Wonderland.

Personality: Very Bubbly and energetic, she doesn't see what's wrong with what she's doing, she just thinks she's creating a perfect world for herself where no one will belittle or mock her again. She is friendly, but can be sadistic when angered, however she tries to refrain from hurting people physically, instead choosing to use her words to break their resolve.

She grew up with a love for the story of Alice In Wonderland, she saw all the different movie adaptations, pantomimes, plays etc. But she was also severely bullied necause of it.

Eventually she found a book in an old library, a book that said you can make your own world in basically a pocket dimension. She studied for hours, and soon made her own perfect Wonderland.

She would often visit it, using it as a way to escape bullying and find a place where she felt happy

However, one day one of the bullies angered her by destroying some of her stuff and finally having enough of their treatment, she manages to accidentally send them to that Wonderland, trapping them in the darkest part of it.

Once she realised she could do this, she started to do it to anyone who wronged her from that point forwards

Everyone in that world..when they entered it altered their mind and made them more like different characters from Alice In Wonderland.

Soon she ran away and was reported missing. She started dressing like the protagonist of her favourite story...and sending more and more people to her Wonderland...soon straying away from those who wronged her and just sending anyone instead. Those who wronged her though would still get the worst of it, being made into those talking flowers...since they were easy to trample on, or into people who were to be punished by her Wonderland version of the Queen of hearts.

Killing style: She doesn't kill technically, she kind of causes them to forever be trapped in another world

Extra stuff-

Fears: Lonliness, she...hates feeling alone.

Likes: Books, Having fun, Playing games, Her Wonderland

Dislikes: Being mocked or taunted, being alone, anything too boring or Bland

Voice: Squiggly from Skullgirls

World of my own from Alice In Woderland
Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez

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