Serenity Kinsley (Identity V)

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Name: Serenity Kinsley

Nicknames: Ren

Age: 22

Faction: Survivor

Title: The Baker


She is quite short (around 4"9) with a slim build. She has shoulder length somewhat curly red hair, the bangs covering her eyes completely (Her eyes are blue btw).
Outfit: She wears a yellow dress with a slightly puffy knee length skirt and a pale pink collar. Over this she wears a white apron. She also wears white stockings that reach halfway up her calf and brown Mary Jane shoes.

Personality: Very bubbly and cheerful, but also pretty naïve and maybe a little too trusting. She can also be pretty gullible at times and is very easy to trick. However, she also tends to want to do things for herself and often refuses any help, no matter how much she might need it. 


Serenity was born Lillian Rivers, the daughter to two wealthy parents. From a young age she developed a fascination with baking, and even had some of her family's servants teach her how to bake. As she got older, she dreamed of opening her own bakery, but her parents didn't approve. Not wanting to be forced to not live her dreams she ran away from home and changed her name to Serenity Kinsley in an attempt to make it harder to track her down. She even stole some money from her own parents so she could move into a new home. She soon opened up her own bakery, which became very popular. That was until a rival opened up nearby. At first people ignored the rival, until they destroyed their own property and framed Serenity for it, leading to the townspeople shunning her and her losing income because of this. Not long after she received an invite to the manor, promising her the chance to clear her name.

Prop: Bowl of cake batter and a wooden spoon

Special Abilities/debuffs:

Sticky Situation- The baker carries a bowl of cake batter with her at all times. She can throw it on the ground behind her and the hunter will get stuck in it for up to 5 seconds, however, she can only do this 3 times before running out of batter.

Stuck- With constantly baking, she tends to have cake batter on her fingers making it harder to decode, her decoding speed is decreased by 10%

Run-Running away from home taught her a few tricks, her vaulting speed is increased by 5%

Likes: Sweets, Cakes, Baking, Her friends

Dislikes: Silence, People who judge others, being looked down on

Crush: Victor


(Both the singing and talking parts)

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