Hazbin Hotel - Dahlia

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"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world."

Name (When alive): Cornelia Louis

Demon name: Dahlia (A type of flower that symbolises beauty and dignity and grace under pressure)

Age at death: 29

Age total: Well time to do some maths. The show was made in the 2010s so lets say it was set in the year...2018. Well, Dahlia died in 1956, so that would make her 62 overall.

Species: Sinner, Doll demon

Gender: female

Birthday: 14th February


"A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous"

Overall personality:

She may come off as arrogant or full of herself, which she is, but she still worries and cares about others too, though never shows it, instead acting like she is better. Although, after spending some time at the hotel she began to drop her proud act and show her sweet side. She also became much more giving, no longer caring for material things as she soon began to value the people around her and their bonds instead. She does have a fiery temper though. She is a sweet person, but she's too scared to show it and so instead she acts rude and snobby around others unless she is particularly close with them.

Likes: Music, Makeup, Fashion, Attention, Money, Her friends, Giving others makeovers

Dislikes: Being lied to, Secrets (Unless they're her own), Being ignored, Interruptions, Silence,

Fears: Being forgotten


"If you can't be better than them, dress better instead."


She takes on the appearance of a living porcelain doll. She light grey skin, a permanent blush on her face, small lips and large glassy looking eyes. She has long black hair in ringlets She is dressed in 50s fashion and has a grey headband in her hair.

Casual wear:

formal wear:

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formal wear:

formal wear:

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"Well behaved women rarely make history"

Friends: Angel, Charlie, Niffty, the rest of the hotel crew

Best friend: Niffty (They both died in the 50s so I can see them getting along)

Love interest: Alastor (She just finds him interesting)


"Any time is the appropriate time for sequins"

As a child she was a sweetheart despite being spoiled. Although shortly after becoming a teen a close friend betrayed her which left her with a scar. After that she decided that she wouldn't going to be the sweet girl any ore and put on an act of rudeness, though it was just an act. But she was scared that if she acted nice she would be betrayed again.

During adulthood she became a star, a musician at that, however, this only led to her becoming greedy. Greedy for the attention and the money.

She would do anything to get ahead and rise to stardom, including lying and even ruing other people's reputation to ensure they weren't an obstacle. Only showing kindness to people she actually cared about.

At some point she got into an altercation with some folks who intended to steal whatever she had on her at the time, which led to her shoving them away, the person she shoved ending up in front of an oncoming car and dying.

In 1956 she died in a car accident herself, her chauffer having lost control of the car and crashing it. Her twin brother, Damien, was in the car with her and died as well, however he went to heaven while Cornelia went to he11. 

Upon arriving in he11 she decided to embrace a new name, one she thought fit her better. Dahlia.


"I need no king, I am already the queen."

Movie: Calamity Jane or Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Book: Lord Of The Flies

Song: Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

Colour: Purple

Season: Winter

Hobby: Singing

Item: Her makeup compact she has in her pocket at all times



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