40. Her Condition

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Aaron's POV:

Once my parents were gone, I came to Rosaline's room. There she was sleeping on the hospital bed surrounded by the machines. Her face was too pale and a bandage was there on her head. There were bandages on her hands too, seeing her state my heart broke into multiple pieces. Taking the seat beside her bed, I took her hands in mine and started caressing her face with my other hand.Then my eyes went towards her stomach and I moved my hand there. The feeling of not having my child there hit me hard, and I cried silently.Why God, why did you hurt her like this? She never deserved this, this is all my fault.I wasn't able to protect her and our child. Again caressing her face, I said, "Please Rosy, wake up. I can't live without you".

I sat there holding her hand for God knows how long but she didn't open her eyes. 

Someone tapped me and I moved my face in that direction, there was a nurse standing there with a sad look on her face, I never heard her coming in.

"Mr. Aaron, your sister is awake and asking for you", she said. I was happy to hear that but then I remember about Rosaline and looked toward her as I don't want to leave her alone.

"Don't worry, I'll wait here until you are back. Please go", She said with assurance.I nodded and went outside, walking towards my sister's room I could hear her voice. I entered the room as soon as she saw me she started crying, "Bro, It hurts", she said. I went to her bed and hugged her, she hugged me back and stopped crying suddenly.

Then she asked, "Where is SIL?"

Mia's POV:

As soon as I open my eyes, I saw a white ceiling and some machines around me. I remembered the accident then and try to sit but there I felt some pain in my face and hands. There were bandages there, I asked the nurse about my family and she said that my brother is there. I asked her to call him here.She nodded and went outside, a doctor came then and started checking me. He asked me some questions about the pain and I answered him correctly, suddenly the door opened and I saw my brother standing there with a sad face. I could not control myself anymore and started crying, and said, "Bro, It hurts". He came to my side and hugged me tightly.I remembered Rosaline and asked him about her. He was silent for a few minutes, I could see his eyes tearing, and said, "She is in ICU, her condition is not good."Tears filled my eyes and I asked him, "She will be fine brother, right?""Yes, She will be. She has to be", He said with a broken voice, I could feel his pain. Then I saw my parents at the door, Mom came running towards me and hugged me, Dad did the same then.

After the hug, I said to her, "Mom, she saved me. When I saw the kid in front of the car, I couldn't understand what to do. Then she moved the steering to the left side saving the kid but we saw a truck coming towards us. And then everything happened very fast, she removed her seatbelt and I felt her on the top of me, and then everything became blank. But I know she saved me by risking her life." 

I started crying thinking about the whole accident.

"Shhhh, Calm down baby. We are here, you are fine and Rosaline will be fine too", She tried to soothe me.

We stay there in the same position and I could hear the sniffing sound of my brother. After some time, my parents settled on the visitor's sofa but my brother remained standing. Looking into his eyes, I could say that he was thinking something. So I asked him, "What are you thinking brother?"In a serious voice, he said, "Mia, Why were you driving the car? Tell me the truth only because there is a life lost due to your driving and one is at stake"I was a bit nervous at his voice, he never talked to me like that and lost one life, what does that mean?I asked with confusion, "Lost one life? What do you mean brother? I don't understand, the kid is fine, right?"He sighed and replied, "She was pregnant". 

As soon as the words registered in my mind, I gasped and looked in my mother's direction and she nodded, I could see tears in her eyes.

Then I connected the dot, "That's why she was not feeling well." The words came out of my mouth without realizing it."What, She was not well, What are you saying and why were you even driving?" He worriedly asked."I called her today as I didn't have a dress for the fresher party and she told me that she would take me to one of her stores. So we went shopping and once we were done, we went for lunch. Everything was good till then but then she got a call and left me", I stopped and saw everyone looking in my direction, brother gestured for me to continue."I went out after eating and looked for her and found her outside the washroom, her face was pale and her eyes were red as if she was crying. She said we should leave for home, We went to the parking and she moved towards the driver's seat and I put the items in the back seat. Then I went towards the passenger seat and saw her standing at the door, her eyes were closing and she was taking the support of the door. I panicked and went straight to her and hold her, I gave her some water and asked her if we should visit the hospital. She denied it at first but then agreed, she was calling her driver for us but I denied it as I knew her condition was not good and the driver would take more time. So, I... I.. I.. offered to drive instead, I know I should have listened to her but I thought I can handle the situation. And then the accident happened." I replied sobbing.I felt bad about her and the baby if only I didn't offer driving, they would have been safe. Mom hugged me again and I tried to see my brother's reaction, I know he would be angry with me but instead of anger, I saw a different emotion in his eyes. It was the same emotion that I see whenever someone gets hurt due to him. I was confused seeing that, I was at fault not him. Just as I was about to ask, he left the room and I felt bad for him.

Aaron's POV:As soon as Mia said about the call, I understood that I was the one at fault. I left the room afterward and went straight to Rosaline's room. The nurse left the room giving us privacy, I went to her bed and hold her hand.I can not forgive myself, I wanted her to wake up and punish me.So I said, "Rosy, please wake up. This is all my fault, I am the reason for your condition. Please wake up and punish me, we lost our child because of me. I shouldn't have accused you, this is all my fault. I should be the one laying here not you. Please, Rosaline, don't do this to me. I will accept any punishment even if you want to leave me, I won't stop you but don't punish me like this. You need to wake up for me, I Love you Rosy and I can't live without you."

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