16. A Contract

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Sitting in a private room at Eaglewood Hotel, Aaron was waiting for Rosaline desperately. He was tapping his hands over the table nervously. Yes, he was nervous because he know Rosaline won't take the news lightly. He was at fault here, his own media house betrayed him and he can not complain about that, and he needs to resolve the matter.

At exactly 11 am, Rosaline came with her secretary.

Aaron's POV:

As soon as she entered, my jaw dropped. She was looking sexy in her one-piece white dress. It was a professional one that did not show her skin but she still managed to look beautiful in that. I stood up from my chair to shake hands with her.

"Mr. Carter, thanks for coming on short notice.", she said.

"It's my pleasure, Miss Rosaline. As this matter involves me too, I had to be here.", I replied."Let's start this", She said with a cold voice.

The room had a 6 seater sofa with a centered table, apart from the dining table. So we sat on the sofa, Garry was sitting at my left side and Miss Rosaline was at my right side followed by her secretary.

"So, Miss Rosaline. We all have seen those pictures and articles about you and my boss", Garry started.

I have also seen those pictures and I was impressed, the photographer had taken them from a right angle. As Garry mentioned about the pictures, I could see how Rosaline's cheeks were turning red and due to her pale complexion, they were giving her a rosy look and were clearly visible.

"Yes, Mr. Garry. We have seen those and we have already filed a case against the concerned Media house. So, that would be handled easily, but we need to give a combined statement about those pictures. So that the rumors would get cleared.", Her assistant, Milinda I think replied and Rosaline nodded.

Ok, so this is the part that I was dreading. I gave Garry a look and he understood that we need to inform them about the media house now.

"About that, Miss Rosaline. We are really sorry, the media house who started this was A.A. Media and unfortunately, that is our own media house. We have already taken strict action against those employees and we would like you to please drop the case. We will take full responsibility for that." Garry responded in an apologetic manner.

All this time I was focusing on Rosaline's reaction but her face was neutral, and then her eyes became big as this registered in her mind.

"So you are telling me this is done by your own media house. Isn't it too real for a coincidence Mr. Carter? I denied your proposal yesterday and the next day they released our pictures. What perfect timing", Rosaline sarcastically replied.

Just as I imagined, she thought this was something I'd planned purposely. I need to clear her doubts.

"No, Miss Rosaline. Let me clear this up, it wasn't a planned stunt if you are thinking like that. You are not the only one who is targeted here, I am also involved in this. And I am really embarrassed to accept this but yes my media house was at fault here. The team who was responsible for this event didn't know about me being the CEO of A.A. Media as they were new and I haven't visited the Media House since last month. As Garry had mentioned, we have already taken action against them in this matter. I sincerely apologize on behalf of A.A Media and would like you to take the case back as this won't be good for the media house.", I replied with sincerity.

The room became silent for a few minutes and she was looking nowhere but at me. I also looked into her eyes.

After a few minutes, she cleared her throat and replied, "Ok, Let's assume this was not planned but even if we take the charges back, how are you planning to resolve this now? I sure know that if you deny these rumors, your media house would be targeted for spreading fake news. No one would trust your media channels again and that won't do any good to your Company's reputation too. So are you still planning to take the blame?"

I knew she was a smart woman after the interaction with her yesterday and also how she handled the accident. But her understanding of our situation instantly surprised me, now I can not doubt her business skills. She sure knows how things work in Business.

We (Me and Garry) had already discussed the outcomes of this meeting in the office before and we are prepared for this. But everything depends on Rosaline if only she agrees with us.I started, "For this, we have a plan in our mind. We would like to sign a contract with you to resolve this."

"Only if you agree" and added in the last.

"A Contract", both Milinda and Rosaline said together with a surprised look.

Contractually MineWhere stories live. Discover now