22. Meeting the parents

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Throughout the ride, both Aaron and Rosaline kept silent, they were embarrassed about the kiss earlier. At first, Rosaline was angry with him but then she understood why he did that. That was the only way to save themselves from the questions, so she didn't say anything to him. But now she is angry with herself as somehow she liked how his lips touched hers, she enjoyed it and her mind couldn't accept that.

On the other hand, Aaron was also embarrassed about what he did, he never kissed someone publicly but with Rosaline, he is losing his mind. Sure, he did that to avoid further questions but somewhere in his mind, he knows that was not the only reason. He was tempted to her lips from the Gala Night and couldn't control this time. In the end, he assured his mind that it is just lust that he is feeling toward Rosaline nothing else.

Clearing his throat, he started the conversation with her as he wanted to clear the tension in the air, "I'm sorry about the kiss there, I know you had already made that clear to me to inform you first before doing anything like that, but I was out of options there and that was the only thing I could come up with. I assure you that it won't happen again. Can you please let it go just this time?"

Rosaline turned her head towards him and could see the genuine look on his face so she told him that it is fine and asked him to be careful next time.

Aaron was surprised by her response as he thought she would freak out like earlier so her response made him realize that she is not that bad.

Once they reached Aaron's house, Rosaline got off the car at the front gate of the building while Aaron went to park the car in the garage.

Parking his car, he went inside straight to his room.As it was dinner time, the maid called them for dinner and both Rosaline and Aaron came to the living room. Seeing each other in casual clothes, (Rosaline was wearing a flower pattern pink night dress and Aaron was wearing a simple v-neck t-shirt and grey trousers) they both were more than awkward, the maids arranged the table and served them dinner. Once served they left them alone and again there was a pin-drop silence only the sounds of spoons and plates could be heard.

Rosaline started a conversation and said that she liked the food. "Glad you liked it, you can mention your likes and dislike to them so that they can prepare accordingly. Also, do tell them if you have any allergies."

"Umm, I am not so choosy about the food, so I won't mind whatever they made. And I don't have any allergy though it's just that almonds make me sleepy and I avoid them during the day", After giving it some thought she replied.

"Oh, that's a unique one. I'll let them know about it. I am also not choosy about the food, glad we have some things in common." He said with a smile.

"hmm, she replied."

Afterward, they ate their food in silence. Once done, Rosaline picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen. Aaron followed her there, she was going to clean them, seeing this Aaron stopped her saying that the maids would do that later. But she replied that she is habitual to it and started cleaning them. Aaron stood there wondering how a billionaire could be habitual to something like cleaning the dishes. He never did that, maids were always there for his needs.He was watching her doing it gracefully as if she was a pro at that, once done she turned and was surprised to see him there.

"Umm, do you want something or you wanna talk about something", She asked looking into his eyes.

"uhh, noo, umm" Aaron was startled by her sudden question and then he remembered something so he replied, "Yeah, actually. My parents saw the news about us and they have invited me to their house this weekend, would you be able to make some time for that?"Rosaline was silent for some time, she was a little nervous about the meeting so no words came out from her mouth.

Aaron thought she doesn't want to meet them so she responded, "It's ok if you have other plans or you are not comfortable. I'll tell them you are busy and they would be fine with it."

She cut it in between, "No, that's not the thing. Actually, I was a bit nervous about it. But we need to face this sometime in these six months. So, better we do it sooner, I'll make my schedule clear for this weekend and we can go there".

"Ok, great then. And don't worry about them, they are very easy to get along and I will be there with you," he assured her.

She nodded and wished him good night and went back to her room. Once in her room, she sat on her bed and thought about the meeting. She is not very much comfortable with it, and her previous experience with elders was not good. She had fought with her uncle and his family two years ago for her parent's property as they wanted her to give those to them but she denied it.

 Let's say something bad happened that day which is why she is afraid of meeting elder couples.

Sighing, she lie down as she needed a good sleep but she knew that she won't be getting any as the place is new and the last thought about her uncle won't let her. She always gets nightmares about the accident whenever she is stressed about something. Closing her eyes, she let the sleep consume her.

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