6.Birthday Party-Continued

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After our discussion, we headed to the living room where Mom and Mia were engaged in a conversation. The moment Mia caught sight of me, she beamed with joy and approached me with her best smile.

"Brother, Dad, look! Mom gave me this dress as a gift. Isn't it beautiful?" She exclaimed, proudly displaying the dress Mom had gotten for her.

"Yes, it's absolutely stunning, princess," Dad and I replied in unison.

"This is the second-best gift I've received today, bro. I've always dreamt of wearing an RF dress, and now it's come true!" Mia exclaimed, brimming with excitement.

"But what's so special about RF, princess? It's just a dress, isn't it? You already have many dresses like this," I asked, feeling a bit perplexed. Although the dress was undeniably beautiful, I couldn't grasp why it had her so ecstatic.

"Bro, don't tell me you don't know anything about RF. RF is the most luxurious and popular brand for women. Its founder, Rosaline, started the brand just four years ago. She began with a single-dress exhibition, and it was a huge hit. The design of that dress was like something out of a fairy tale, and it was incredibly comfortable too. She never sold that particular dress, but it became immensely popular, and everyone wanted to have it. That's when she started opening her own brand stores. Within just one year, RF became the most sought-after brand. Their dresses aren't only beautiful but also exude luxury and comfort. This dress is one of their top collections, and there's only one piece of it. That's why I'm so excited about it. Moreover, Rosaline didn't come from a wealthy background; she worked hard to achieve her success. I admire her, and I hope to meet her someday," Mia explained, her eyes shining with anticipation."Yes, she's right. I sent a request letter to Rosaline last month to purchase this dress, and after two weeks, I received a response along with the dress. She's a strong woman; it's no small feat to reach such heights in just a few years, especially with so many competitors vying for attention," Mom added, her voice filled with admiration. The story is captivating; Rosaline must be incredibly talented for my sister to hold her in such high regard. It's not easy to impress Mia, but I suppose I don't really care about that woman. Who knows what methods she employed to achieve this level of success?

The Party:

Following our conversation, we all got ready for the party. Along with our friends, we had invited some of our partners as well. Judging by the expression on my sister's face, I could tell she was happy with everything, and I agreed that the dress enhanced her beauty. Mia blew out her candles, and we all danced and enjoyed ourselves.

Later that night, I even gave my sister a ride in her car. Instead of returning to my penthouse, I decided to stay at my parents' house.

The Next Day:

I left for the office early as I had a meeting scheduled with the marketing team to discuss the product launch. Let's see how many of them end up getting fired today.

During the Meeting:As soon as I entered the meeting room, I gestured for them to begin. Evan, once again, initiated the presentation, which included some pictures from a fashion show. I could feel my anger rising. Why were they showing me fashion show pictures when all I wanted was the marketing plan for the product?

Evan noticed the displeasure on my face and started explaining, trying to justify their approach.
"Nowadays, the Rose Fashion Brand has gained immense popularity, establishing itself as a leader in the fashion industry. Their fashion shows are highly acclaimed, and people eagerly anticipate their presentations. Considering their influence, it would be beneficial for us to explore a collaboration with them. Their models are also widely recognized, adding to the promotional value. By partnering with them, we can propose a contract for our product promotion through their social media accounts and even incorporate our product launch at their next fashion show. This unique approach would effectively reach a larger audience, capitalizing on the popularity of their brand."

Ok, the idea is a bit different but that brand is just a startup, why should we take the risk? I could see everyone was waiting for my response on this, so I started.

 "Why would I need assistance from a relatively smaller brand, especially a women's brand, to promote our products?" I questioned, my tone filled with frustration.

"Sir, it's important to note that this brand is not small at all. Here is the data showcasing their remarkable progress, surpassing even the top brands. The projections indicate continued growth in the coming years, and we have heard rumors of their CEO expanding into foreign markets. Collaborating with them would be an ideal choice," explained the marketing head, presenting the evidence.

Realizing that they had come well-prepared with their proposal, I contemplated their suggestion.

"Alright, Gerry, arrange a meeting with their CEO and provide them with an overview of our objectives. Inquire if they are open to collaborating in the near future. Evan, draft a comprehensive proposal that outlines the mutual benefits we can derive from this partnership. Let's discuss the specifics after the meeting," I concluded, leaving the conference room.

What do you think of their meeting guys? Will they be able to meet? Share your views on their meeting.

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