37. Shopping gone wrong

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Rosaline's POV:Today is the third day since Aaron went on a business trip. Something came up and he had to stay there for the night but he told me that he would be coming early today. I have been thinking about this since last night, How would I start the conversation and what would be his response? I am so nervous about this.I was just having my breakfast, and suddenly my phone rang, it was Mia. I picked up the call."Hi, Sister-in-law. Good Morning" She greeted."Good morning Mia, How are you? How're your studies?""I am not a good sister-in-law," she said with a sad voice which made me worried."What happened? Are you alright? I am coming to your college now""I am fine Sil (we will use it for sister-in-law). It's just, that I have a fresher party tomorrow and I don't have anything to wear " she said and I got loosened. Kids these days."Oh Mia, You have frightened me. You should have told me this earlier. Do one thing, come to our home. I'll take you to one of my stores and will get you the best dress. And I know, you would need matching heels and a bag too, so will shop for that too", I replied."Oh, SIL, I love you. I knew you would help me. I am coming in 15 minutes. Bye, Bye " She said and cut the call immediately.Hearing her, I chuckled. What if my kid would be like her too, It would be really tough for me. But I would really love him/her. Thinking about that, I caressed my stomach, I have become attached to this baby in just 3 days and can't wait to see him/her.With these thoughts, I stood up and went to our room to get ready. Since it's the weekend, I don't need to go to the office today.Aaron's POV:I was not able to return home last night. All because of Mr. Cooper's insistence, he invited me to his house for dinner and I couldn't deny him. We had a friendly dinner and met Mrs. Cooper. She is also very beautiful even at this age.After dinner, I and Garry went back to the apartment and I asked him to prepare the jet for the early morning flight. And indeed, we left at 5 am in the morning and here I am at the private airport at 12 pm. I entered my Maserati and waited for the driver to take me home. I can't wait to meet my Rosy.We reached home in 15 minutes but my bad, the maid informed me that she had gone shopping with Mia. And I am jealous of my princess now, I went straight to our room and took a shower. I went outside and saw her dress on the bed and smelt that. Yes, Yes, I sound like a creep but that is what Rosaline has turned me into. Once done, I sat on the bed. Now, I can feel a headache due to the lack of sleep."It was there before too but you were so excited to meet Rosaline that you ignored it," My mind said. Okay, now is not the time. I need to take the medicine, I opened the bedside drawer where I keep my painkillers and brought out the box. Taking the medication, I was about to put the box back but something caught my attention."A Hospital Report"I brought that out and opened it. Reading the contents, I got frozen, Pregnant?No, I must have read it wrong, so I read the complete report and saw the name. Rosaline is 5 weeks pregnant. After a few minutes, it registered to my mind. 5 weeks, means the night we spend together after the launch success party.I am going to be a father, this is my child. Thinking about that a smile formed on my lips, our child, Rosaline, and mine. 

Suddenly, the thoughts came to my mind, why didn't she inform me about this?

"Because you were not here. " My conscience said.

So what? She could have called me. What if she didn't want to inform me? No... I became tensed

What if she doesn't want to keep the child? 

That made me mad, She can't do that to me. It's my child too. Getting angry, I instantly called her.

Rosaline's POV:Shopping was fun with Mia, we chose a red colored flared dress for her. She was looking like a princess in that. Then we picked up some shoes and a matching bag for her too.It's been almost 2 hours, and now I am tired. I was feeling a bit dizzy for an hour and I know I should have rested earlier but seeing her excitement, I couldn't tell her.Now that the shopping is over, we are heading towards the burger outlet to eat something.I was almost done eating my burger when I got a call from Aaron, I excused her and went outside to take the call.

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