21. Interview 2

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The manager opened the door of the Interview room and they faced a stage. Aaron was familiar with it not because he was the CEO but because he has given several interviews there. So they went to the center of the stage where two sofas were kept. Facing the stage, journalists from other media firms were sitting and also the photographers. All of them stood up and greeted them.

Aaron gestured for them to sit down and then he motioned for Rosaline toward the sofa. Taking the hint, she sat down on the two-seater sofa and Aaron sat beside her. The main interviewer sat in front of them and informed them about the process, "So, as it is an exclusive interview, the other journalists have given us the questions already and to prove that it wasn't scripted we have put their questions chits in the bowl. I will be taking 4 questions from that bowl and if you don't want to answer that we can skip those, although we had already informed them to not ask inappropriate questions".

"So, shall we start?" The interviewer asked and Aaron and Rosaline nodded.The first question: " Is it true that you guys are dating?"

Aaron hold Rosaline's hand and patted it in a very lovable manner which made Rosaline blush a little and he replied with a smile, "I think this is out of the question now, isn't it?"

And everyone laughed at this. "Yes, perhaps. Let's move to the next question" The next question was how they met and Rosaline responded with the same answer that they discussed earlier and from the look of the people it was believable for them too. While answering they were unknowingly looking into each other's eyes from time to time and many photographers were taking their pictures doing that.

Next was again, what was their plan for the future and Aaron gave them the same response.The next question came as a surprise for them as they asked about the engagement ring and both Rosaline and Aaron had totally forgotten about that. Aaron was thinking that their act would be caught now and he was thinking of the consequences.

But Rosaline quickly thought about it and said, "Well Aaron wanted to make the proposal a bit different for me, so instead of the ring he gave me this rose pendant with our initials behind it", she showed the pendant to the media, it was the same pendant her parents gave her but she has never shown that to anyone until GALA night. The pendant was a diamond one in the shape of a beautiful rose and the design was too much eye-catching. Everyone was watching them with pure aww.

Just then he saw the interviewer was trying to ask something about the pendant so without thinking he turned towards Rosaline and kissed her on her lips. Rosaline became stiff, it was her first kiss and she was shocked by Aaron's sudden reaction. Aaron started to kiss her slowly and nibbled on her lower lip, she gasped with surprise, giving Aaron entry to her mouth. Aaron kissed her to avoid more questions and he planned a short one but as soon as he kissed her lips, he felt the sweetness of them and he became greedy, he wanted to taste them more and explore her mouth, So when Rosaline gasped, he slid her tongue inside her mouth and started to explore her.

Just from her reaction, he knew that it was her first kiss and he was glad that it was him who kissed her first. Slowly he kissed her upper lips and sucked them. Rosaline felt the butterflies in her stomach and she tried to copy him but failed miserably. Still, Aaron sucked her lips for another minute and then touched her forehead with his in a loving gesture. People were watching them and hooting for them. Watching them so in love, everyone became emotional especially women as they were praying to God to send someone like Aaron for them too.

Rosaline and Aaron stayed in that position for 1 minute, their eyes were closed as if they are no one else. The interviewer cleared his throat and that brought them out of the moment. Aaron cleared his throat and stood up holding Rosaline's hand. "I think we have already cleared all your doubts and as we have a date after this, we would like to take our leave now. Also, We would appreciate it if you don't invade our personal space too much. Thanks, Everyone!"Rosaline was flustered after the kiss and Aaron could see that from her face so he took her hand and put it on his chest in a way that her face is hidden from the media, keeping his other hand at her waist, he moved towards the door.

Rosaline again felt a strange warmness from that hug like she felt in Gala night, she was liking the way his body was protectively hugging her. So she didn't say something and let him lead their way.

The Interviewer thanked everyone and followed them outside.Aaron helped her sit in the car and then sat in the driver's seat. As soon as the car started, everything registered in their minds.

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