38. Rosaline

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Rosaline's POV:

As soon as I picked up the call, I heard him shouting, 

"When were you gonna tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I replied with confusion.

"That you are pregnant with my child", again he shouted and I got shocked hearing that. He knows, He knows Rosaline. What would you do?
I became silent for some time and then when he shouted my name and before I could respond, he started, "So, you were never gonna tell me this, right? How could you be so selfish, Rosaline? What were you planning to hide this? Were you planning to run away with my kid or were you planning to abort it?"

And I became too emotional hearing that. How could he think like that? Tears were coming from my eyes and It was like all my energy was drained. I touched the nearby wall for support.

I wanted to cut him in between but it was like my lips were sealed after hearing his words.

He continued, "I am not gonna let you do anything to my child Rosaline. You can't abort it and I would fight for custody too. I won't let you take away my kid easily".

And that just touched my nerves, and I came out of my trance.

And I stopped him before saying anything.


"You have no right to accuse me of something I have never planned Mr. Aaron Carter. I never thought about the abortion nor about running away and why would I? I am capable of keeping this baby and also for custody."

and then I sobbed, I could hear his breath through the phone."I was waiting for you to come home so that I could share this news with you. You can't expect me to discuss this over the phone. This is huge news, and I was confused about your reaction. But you didn't even wait for me to come home. I thought we had come far from this fighting phase. I thought... Sob...I thought, you would understand me and will find a way to do this together. But I was wrong, you are a selfish bastard, you just knew about the news and started accusing me."

"Rosy, I.." he tried to say something but I interrupted in between.

"No, don't Rosy me. You don't have any right to call me that Mr. Carter. I am gonna end this contract today and don't worry, I will pay the contract amount. But I will sue you first for the defamation and the mental torture you have given me."

"No, Rosaline. Please don't", He said pleadingly.

"Why, are you afraid now? You should have thought about the consequences before accusing me. But "Mr. know it all" doesn't know how to think."

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, he remained silent all this time. Once I felt better, I replied,

"You know what I am not childish like you. I'll discuss this with you when I get back home. Goodbye" With that I ended the call, and I could see the people staring at me. I never liked this type of attention so I just stood straight and went to the washroom.

Getting to the washroom, I cleaned up myself, and when I came outside, I saw Mia standing there with a concerned look."SIL, are you ok? I was looking for you everywhere" " she said with concern.How could two siblings be this much different from each other? She is just the opposite of Aaron. Always supportive and lovely. I nodded at her and told her that we should leave.

I was already feeling weak after this emotional confrontation but ignored it. I need to take a rest for the baby.But as soon as I opened the door, a wave of dizziness hit me hard and I almost fell down if not for the support of the door. 

Mia came running to my side and supported me, she gave me some water and said with concern, "SIL, you are not fine. Let's go to the hospital."

"No, I am fine. Let's go home", I tried to say normally but it came out as a whisper."No, SIL. Let's visit the doctor first then we can go home. I can not see you like this." She responded."Ok, let me call my driver", I said as I didn't want to endanger our lives but she denied, "No, SIL, that would take time. Let me drive you there." She replied.

"Do you have a license?" I asked and she nodded, "Yes, I got it last month. Don't worry, I'll drive safely"."You, sure?", I asked again, and she said yes. Then she helped me into the passenger's seat and hopped herself into the driver's seat.She started the engine and we were out of the mall in no time. I set up the map for the hospital in the display and she drove according to the directions.

The ride was smooth and we were about to reach the hospital. There was a red light before that and Mia stopped the car, once it turned green, she started the engine again but suddenly a 6-7-year-old kid came in front of our car from nowhere and I shouted, 

"Mia, push the brake" but I could see she was frozen on the spot so I moved the steering to the left side instantly.

The kid was saved and I sighed in relief but suddenly I saw the truck coming towards our direction and as Mia hadn't stepped over the brakes, we were about to collide with it. At that moment, I had only one thing on my mind and that was to save Mia so I quickly removed my belt and turned over Mia, and then the truck hit us hard. And everything turned black.

A long chapter as a treat. Is it me or do you also love Rosaline more in this chapter? Share your views in the comments. I know Aaron was a jerk in this chapter but he also had his own reasons, hope you will forgive him.

Let's meet in the next chapter, bbye...

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