4. Rosaline - Continued

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Sitting in my chair, I reviewed the plan that my secretary, Milinda, presented to me. This week is going to be hectic. We just launched new clothing in the fashion show last week, which was a hit, and now we have a long list of orders to fulfill.

"Milinda, could you please update me on the status of our hotels as well?" I asked Milinda. She is an exceptional American woman of the same age as me. She has been with me for the past three years and is someone I trust implicitly.

In addition to the fashion brand, I have acquired several hotels in the last two years. My business is thriving, and I have been awarded Business Woman of the Year for the past three years, although I haven't attended the ceremonies even once. I have my reasons for that. They label me as the businesswoman of the year, not the businessperson. You know what I mean, right? 

I am not only better than most women, but I am also better than most men out there. So, why limit the recognition to just women? Business Person of the Year would be more fitting and honorable, even if I were to come in second place. But this is not about beauty, even though if it were, I know no one could rival me. 

I inherited my beautiful red-blonde hair (a mixed shade) from my mother, along with a diamond-shaped face. Standing tall at 5 feet 7 inches, my pale complexion and rosy lips add to my allure. And let's not even get started on my figure—I have meticulously maintained myself, with curves in all the right places. So, even if it were a beauty competition, I would have undoubtedly emerged victorious. But never mind, I don't have time for such frivolities.

"The hotel in central New York is running smoothly, and you have a meeting scheduled with the manager tomorrow to discuss the new interior design. As for the others, the managers have sent the profit details via email. I have prepared hard copies of all the data, and I've highlighted the key areas for your review," Milinda informed me, handing me the file.

"Thank you, Milinda. You can get back to your work. Oh, and one more thing, you can take tomorrow off since I'll be occupied with the meeting," I said, offering her a brief reprieve.

Milinda's POV:

I have known Rosaline for four years. We both worked together as waitresses at a bar, although we didn't interact much since I worked full-time while Rosaline only worked part-time. One day, I found myself being harassed by a customer, and Rosaline stepped in to defend me. Since that day, I have looked up to her with admiration. 

She became my inspiration. When Rosaline started her own fashion line, she returned to the bar one day and gave me some books on time management and fashion. I wasn't sure why she gave them to me, but I read them anyway. A month later, I received an email inviting me for an interview as a secretary at Rose Fashion. I didn't know much about the brand at the time, as it had recently been established. I went for the interview and was surprised to see Rosaline herself conducting it in a highly professional manner. To my astonishment, she offered me the position of her secretary.

That's how I became acquainted with Rosaline. I don't know much about her past, but I do know one thing—she has a genuinely kind heart. Some may label her as rude and self-obsessed, but behind that facade lies a compassionate woman who genuinely cares for others. Do you know how I can tell? She always finds ways to support women who are struggling in life. She owns women and child care center that works tirelessly to support orphans and destitute women, providing them with employment opportunities at her hotels or within her company.

She offers support to pregnant women and grants bonuses and leaves as needed. Today, when she asked me to take a day off, she demonstrated her care indirectly. She knows that tomorrow is my birthday, and despite her packed schedule, she encouraged me to enjoy the day. That's just how incredible she is. Regardless of the circumstances, I will always support her and remain grateful for everything she has done for me.

I often pray to God, asking Him to send someone who can bring happiness back into Rosaline's life. She truly deserves to experience the same care and love she showers upon others.

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