30. Sharing her grief

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Aaron's POV:

We are heading back home, and Rosaline sits quietly beside me more like thinking about something. I am sure something happened at the party that's why she drank this much.This woman surprises me a lot every day, as a woman with no financial help or parents she has achieved a lot and I know now that she has done a good amount of hard work for this. Sure, I have also started my Media house from scratch but I always had the support of my parents and my friends. Even my primary investors were also friends of my father and even if I hadn't started A.A., I was always the heir of Carter Industries.But Rosaline made her name without any support or family, she is really a role model for everyone in the business. I am proud of my fiancee, uhh what. What am I thinking, she is a fake one and the contract would be over in 2 months. I can not think about her like this, stupid me.Sighing I continued driving and in about 15 minutes we were home. I parked the car in the garage and open the door for Rosaline. I can see she is trying to get off the car but is not able to, I think today she will need my help a lot.I brought my hand towards her and she looked into my eyes, her mesmerizing eyes are shining like stars and suddenly she made a pout like a kid.This was amusing, she was looking adorable with that face and I could not help but chuckle at her childish behaviour. Taking my hand she stood up and I instantly hold her in my arms.This feels really good, She is fitting perfectly in my arms and I can smell the strawberries in her hair. The lights were off and there was no one in the house, I brought her to our room, and she stood on the bed instantly. Then she started jumping on the bed and shouted, " Woooo, Aaarooon, look I am in the air, this is my bouncy Mickey. Wohooooo"She was laughing uncontrollably and I was just staring at her, I never thought drunk Rosaline could be this childish. She is shouting again and again and seems like she is thinking the bed is the bouncy mickey mouse. Thank God Mia is not here otherwise she had also partnered with her. But seeing her laughing like this is making my heart flutter, the sound of her laughter is like a song for me and I am liking that song."Come Aaroon, let's jump together, this is fun", she shouted and continued jumping. Ok, I need to stop her now otherwise we would have to sleep on the floor tonight."No, Rosaline, this is not a Bouncy Mickey, this is our bed. Bouncy Mickeys are only in the amusement park, I will take you there tomorrow if you stop doing this now." I said.She stopped bouncing all of a sudden and said, "Amusement Parkkkkk"."Yes, Amusement Park. We will go there tomorrow", I replied."Nooooooooo", she shouted a bit too loud and I can see tears in her eyes. "What just happened, she was laughing a minute before and now she is crying," I thought.Sitting on the bed, she was crying and saying No again and again."Rosy, baby, what happened? Why are you crying? You don't want to go there?" I sat on the bed and tried to coax her. I can not see tears in her eyes."We won't go there, otherwise you would also leave me like them," she said while crying."What do you mean? Why would I leave you and who are you talking about" I asked while removing tears from her eyes."Them, they.. they..I killed them", She said this time with a serious tone and I was shocked hearing her, she killed who? Is she even capable of killing someone?"Mom, Dad, I ... I.. killed them. On my birthday, they were taking me to the amusement park because I insisted on them the day before that and then suddenly a big truck hit our car" With this she started sobbing uncontrollably. My eyes were filled with tears, her revelations surprised me, she thinks that she is the reason for her parents' death. I was about to console her but she cut me in between."Mom died while saving me, she saved me but lost her life. That accident torments me every night, I can still see their smiling faces. She..she.. her last words were she loves me. I can not forgive myself for that, After their death my uncle took me in, he was treating me well in the starting but after a few years I came to know that he and his family were just acting so that they can get all the properties my parents left for me and I ran away from them. No one loved me apart from my parents and I killed them."I don't know when I started crying with her, I never imagined that she was suffering this much from the inside. She is always a strong and cold woman in front of everyone but deep down she is just a kid who is missing her parents.

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