8. Gala Night-First look

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Aaron's POV:

Today was the night of the Gala at Rian's lavish palace, celebrating the 15th anniversary of his interior design and construction company. Rian, my college roommate turned good friend, had extended the inevitable invitation, and naturally, I accepted. Dressed in my brand-new black Armani Suit, I settled into the comfortable confines of my limousine, accompanied by Gerry, my loyal companion.

We arrived at the venue in a mere half-hour, greeted by a swarm of media. This spectacle was routine for me, given my role as a model and ownership of my media company. As we pulled up to the red carpet, I exited the car and meticulously buttoned my blazer. The media instantly converged, vying for the perfect shot. I graciously obliged, offering them my best angles. After a while, a commotion nearby diverted my attention.

There, a striking red Lamborghini Huracán stood, the latest model, although this didn't surprise me. With my status, I could afford several of them. However, I couldn't help but wonder who had arrived in such a high-profile car for the Gala. Typically, people opted for limousines at such events. In a matter of minutes, a woman emerged from the passenger seat. She didn't exude the air of someone who could easily afford a Lamborghini. I didn't mean to be judgmental, but her simple gown and unassuming demeanor struck me as unusual. She approached the driver's side, standing there as the door swung open, revealing red heels - undoubtedly, a woman.

As she finally emerged, I couldn't see her completely due to the encircling media. However, her hair, a captivating blend of red and blonde, caught my eye. 

I hadn't encountered such captivating beauty in a long time. The woman, elegantly draped in a red gown with matching lipstick, stood at an imposing height of around 5'7'' or 8''. She exuded an irresistible mix of sensuality and charm. For a few moments, I found myself entranced by her presence.

When she drew nearer, I regained my awareness of the surroundings, but my mind and heart refused to calm down. One question dominated my thoughts: Who is she?

She joined me on the carpet for the photoshoot, and I could sense a cool, almost regal aura around her. It was as if she were a queen, and we were her mere pawns. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her give a small, somewhat forced smile to the media. Even that forced smile was enchanting to her. After a few shots, she disappeared into the venue, and I followed suit after the final pose.

Inside, my eyes scanned the room, but she was nowhere to be found. Rian, my friend and the evening's host, approached me. Rian was an attractive man, a few inches shorter than me, with a well-built physique. We had been college heartthrobs, with girls trailing us everywhere. In those days, we had been immensely popular. However, Rian had found love in his final year, marrying Raya shortly after college. They were a lovely couple, and Raya had also become a close friend.

"Hey, Bro! Glad you could make it. How have you been?" Rian asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I had to attend, and I'm just as good as our college days. How's life with Raya?" I replied with a smile.

"I'm good too, Bro. Despite the challenges, having a family adds a certain ease to life. Raya's somewhere with her friends tonight. We're expecting our first child and eagerly anticipating the arrival," Rian said, beaming with joy.

While not entirely surprising for someone married for five years, his reaction took me by surprise. I mean, a child is a significant responsibility, and I wasn't quite ready for that yet. But Rian seemed to view it as the pinnacle of his achievements.

I offered my heartfelt congratulations and suggested celebrating the occasion.

"Let's celebrate our way next week when Raya's visiting her parents. We can enjoy some drinks then," he proposed, grinning.

I returned his grin and agreed to the plan.

"Cool, enjoy the party, Bro. It's time for my speech. We'll catch up later :)" he said before making his way to the stage.

Gerry approached me, informing me that the CEO of Rose Fashion had arrived. We decided to meet her after Rian's speech.

Well, I know you guys were expecting their meeting, so don't worry guys. The next chapter is all about their first meetup. See you there...

In the meantime check out their look for the Gala

#Aaron's suit

#Aaron's suit

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#Rosaline's dress (Yeah, I want it too, girls)

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#Rosaline's dress (Yeah, I want it too, girls)

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