69. The Girl's Scream

Start from the beginning

But he was so relieved to finally be reunited with his friends, he decided to ask them once they had caught up more.

"Egypt ... what's it like?" Harry asked, recalling in his letters to Ron over summer that the Weasley's had travelled there.

"Brilliant. Loads of old stuff like mummies, tombs, even Scabbers enjoyed himself", Ron replied, still holding onto his pet rat.

"You know the Egyptians used to worship cats", Hermione immediately cut in, also still holding onto her pet.

"Yeah ... along with a dung beetle", Ron laughed.

"Not flashing that clip about again, are you Ron?" the familiar voice of George Weasley spoke out.

Harry turned around to see that Ron's family had made their way down the stairs, now approaching the group of three.

"I haven't shown anyone", Ron muttered as George leaned forward, snatching the newspaper clipping from the table.

"No, not a soul ... Not unless you count Tom", Fred said sarcastically.

"The day maid", George continued.

"The night maid", Fred added.

"Cook", George listed as the twins made their way around the table.

"That bloke who fixed the toilet", chuckled Fred.

"And that wizard from Belgium", George concluded.

"Harry!" the comforting voice of Mrs Weasley called out from behind Harry's shoulder, the boy immediately standing to greet her, being pulled into a tight hug.

"Good to see you, dear", Mrs Weasley added as Harry slowly left her grip.

"Good to see you, too."

"Now, have you got everything you need?"


"Yes? All of your books?"

"It's all upstairs."

"All of your clothes?"

"Everything's there."

"Good boy", Mrs Weasley finally stopped mothering him with a proud smile.

"Thank you", Harry muttered, feeling slightly warm at being treated as a son for a rare change.

Not having his own mother around to lecture or quiz him like that made him feel grateful once more for his friends and the people they had introduced into his life.

Even though it could never truly replace the real thing.

Perhaps Bel felt the same way about Dumbledore?

After all, Harry had witnessed himself the father – daughter bond the two had.

"Harry Potter", Mr Weasley then greeted as he came up to stand beside his wife.

"Mr Weasley", Harry greeted back as the two shook hands.

"Wonder if I might have a word?" Mr Weasley asked.

"Yeah, sure."

Mr Weasley turned on his heel, greeting Hermione as they walked around the table.

Harry saw out of the corner of his eye one of the wanted posters with that same image of a screaming Sirius Black front and centre.

"Looking forward to a new term?" Mr Weasley asked as the two made their way into a corner of the room, away from any prying eyes and ears.

"Yeah, it should be great", Harry replied, wishing that his answer would be the truth.

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