Chapter Sixty Six

Start from the beginning

I had no doubt that he would do just that but I had to speak to Alpha Alessandro. I had to let him know that I hadn't planned this, I had no idea he would mark me like that.

"Can I try one more time?" I asked Beta Kieran who nodded.

Standing up, I straightened my back and pounded on the door with as much strength as I could.

"Alpha Alessandro!"

"Okay that's enough." Beta Kieran pulled me away from the door.

"Can I try again? Maybe he didn't hear me?"

Beta Kieran looked at me incredulously. "The whole pack heard you Nala."

"Okay." I muttered dejectedly. "I'll go back to my room."

What should I do now? I had less than two days to figure something out. My only other option was to convince Cami not to say anything, however, she seemed so determined to tell the truth.

God, why was she so stupid and stubborn?

A sudden idea popped into my head, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Beta Kieran." I began to say but was rudely interrupted.

"You are not going back." Beta Kieran said firmly.

"No it's not that." I quickly said. "Do you know where Teresa is?"

Surprise flittered across Beta Kieran face. "Yes."

"Can you get in touch with her please?"

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Why?"

Think Nala, think!

"Before she left she told me that if I needed to talk to her I should ask you or Alpha Alessandro. I've tried Alpha Alessandro, as you saw, so can you get in touch with her please?"

My brain came up with the lie and my mouth uttered those words so smoothly that even I was impressed with myself.

Hope filled my body as I noticed that Beta Kieran looked like he was considering it.

"Can you tell her I need her to come back here ASAP please?"

Beta Kieran didn't say anything as he stared at me.

"Please Beta Kieran." I begged. "If you think about it, if I'm lying, which I'm not, but if I am Teresa will tell you and.."

"Fine." Beta Kieran interrupted my pleading.

Yes! I couldn't believe that worked!

"Thank you, thank you!"

Beta Kieran nodded and we continued to walk back to my room in silence. Once we got there, I turned around to Beta Kieran.

"Please can you call her soon? It's very urgent."

Beta Kieran let out a chuckle. "You're a demanding human, aren't you? Not at all worried about the consequences." He paused before adding something more quietly. "I can only think of one reason why."

His words confused me but at this moment in time I didn't have time to delve into that. I had more important things to think and worry about.

"Thank you." I told him sincerely before walking into my room.

"Where have you been?" Cami immediately asked as soon as I stepped inside.

Discreetly, I flattened my hair to my sides so you couldn't see my neck. I wasn't sure if it still had blood on or if the mark was visible.

"Trying to figure out a way to get us out of this." I told her as I shut the door behind me.

"I already told you, I'm wa-"

"I know, you want to tell the truth. You don't care what happens next." I shook my head and sighed. "It's been a long day, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

I didn't want to have this conversation with her again, it was exhausting. I needed a shower and some rest.

"I need to have a shower." I told her as I grabbed some clothes from the chest drawer.

"Are you okay?" Cami asked softly.

No, I wasn't okay and I don't think either of us will be.

"I'm fine." I muttered as I stepped around her and went into the bathroom.

Turning the shower on, I let the hot water cascade over my body and relax my stiff muscles. I watched as the water swirled around before going down the drain, wishing it was that easy to wash away my problems.


I had a plan. I had multiple plans and one of them would have to work.

First plan was to talk Cami out of it, I spent all night and the following day talking to Cami, trying to reason with her and explain what would happen to her if she went ahead with it but I had no luck.

The girl was as stubborn as a mule.

With no time to waste, I moved on to my second plan. Alpha Alessandro. The second plan didn't work either, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get in touch with Alpha Alessandro. He didn't want to see me, I went to his office, I begged the guards to take me to where he was but nothing worked. He didn't want to see me.

Teresa was the main ingredient for my third plan. If Beta Kieran kept his word and did in fact contact her, she would be here soon. She knew the truth about what happened and while she was here she was willing to help me. I remember her saying she would protect family and though I had no idea what she was talking about or why she was saying that to me at that time, now I knew the truth.

She knew I was her cousin's mate and she would help me. If Alpha Alessandro wasn't going to help us, Teresa would. I would beg for her help, other than Alpha Alessandro, the only other person who could influence Alpha Alessandro's dad would be Teresa.

Waiting for her to arrive was nerve wracking, I was losing my mind while Cami remained calm. Was she not scared of what was to come? I was completely petrified.

I wish I could have seen Alpha Alessandro, not just to convince him to change his mind and help us but to tell us what was going to happen.

What will happen at this meeting? Who will be there? There were so many unknowns and so many questions.

Time was not on our side and before I knew it, the time had come for us to meet with Alpha Alessandro's dad.

Today was the day our fate would be decided.


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

The story is almost coming to an end, what do you think is going to happen next

I will upload again in a few days but you can read the full story on or on my subscription page on

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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