Part 47 - Don't hesitate

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It's now Wednesday and I'm bored. These days have been going by so slowly...

Grayson talked to my principal and he's sorting things out. I'm not exactly sure what that means but I hope it's nothing bad.

Harper just came back from her doctors appointment. By the end of this month she'll be three months along. We're getting closer to knowing the gender!

"How was the appointment." I spring up from the couch.

"It was great! Everything is going good." She sits down on the couch beside me.

I put my hand on her little bump. "You're going to start popping soon."

Harper just laughs. "I'm only 2 and a half months along Aly. I've got like 7 more to go." I laugh before kissing her stomach.

"I know. I'm just excited." I smile.

"How are you feeling." She rests a hand on my knee. I shrug.

"I'm doing better." I say softly.

"I'm glad." Harper smiles.

Without thinking twice I ask about Ivan. "Can I see Ivan today?" Harper looks at me and laughs softly.

"Gray won't be home until 10 so if you want to see him I won't hold you back." She pauses. "But.."

I sigh. There's always a but.

"Somebody has to be home with you guys. Since Grayson doesn't know about you guys yet, I can't let you guys be alone." She says.

"We're not a thing." I say back. It's true. I really like Ivan, and I'm constantly wishing I was with him; but is he feeling the same thing as me? The same want. The same need. The same feeling that I can't explain. Somethings way stronger than just a small crush?

"If you two are not right now, I'm sure you will be soon." Harper smirks as she gets up. "Same thing happened with Gray and I."

I get up and follow her to the kitchen. "What happened with you guys?" I ask now curious.

I never asked them how they met. All I remember is Grayson bringing her over for dinner years ago. A couple months before mom died.

I don't do math but I think they were 18 at the time.

"Well we met at 18 at a party." She says as she starts doing the dishes. "Your brother was nothing like he is now. I remember him being that crazy guy you see at every party." She laughs to herself. "But he was always respectful. That's one trait he'll never lose."

I move to stand beside her. I grab the dish she placed on the drying rack and begin drying it with a towel.

"I started talking to him and things went on from there." She says. "We were just friends for awhile. Until we were twenty." She glances at me.

"We kept ignoring our feelings for each other. He was busy with school and maintaining your family, and I was busy with work and classes. We didn't want to distract each other." She hands me the next plate.

"But one day we kind of broke the one rule we both set for each other." I look at her wanting to know more.

"And that was?" I ask putting the plate away.

She just laughs. "I would tell you if he wasn't your brother."

I stop in my tracks. Ew. Yeah I don't want to know that.

Obviously I know they've done it... they're having a child. But thinking about it is gross.

Harper laughs as she turns around to face me. "What I'm trying to tell you is that you're getting older. Grayson can't keep you away from boys any longer. You're going to have to tell him and he's going to have to let it happen." I look into her eyes.

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