Part 9 - text message

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I wake up to yelling. "BENTLEY OUT!"

I spring up from my laying position and listen to what's happening. I hear Bentleys feet running across the hardwood floor.

I quickly get up from my bed. Once I'm up I hear whining from behind my door.

I open it and Bentley runs in and jumps on my bed hiding under the blankets.

I slowly close the door and sit beside him. Whoever yelled at him is getting yelled at by me.

I pet him and give him a couple kisses before I check the time and realize I only have an hour to get ready for school.

I get up and walk into the washroom doing my regular routine. I quickly make my bed making sure to wrap Bentley in an extra throw blanket.

I walk to my closet not sure what to wear. I think it's raining out so I decide on jeans and a sweater.

"Bentley you stay in here okay?" I kiss his head and I walk out of my room leaving the door open a bit just incase Bentley needs to leave.

Walking down the hallway with my backpack I realize everyone's gone. Then who was yelling?

Walking downstairs I hear someone in the kitchen.

"Nolan?" I ask as I walk closer to the kitchen.

Once I'm there I see dad sitting at the breakfast bar with nothing but alcohol and beer around him. I stop in my steps.

"What?" He yells. Flinching I realize he was the one who yelled at Bentley.

"Did you yell at Bentley?" I ask softly not wanting to upset him.

But it's too late. He gets up and towers over me.

"screw that damn dog!" Within a second I'm pushed so hard my face hits the wall and I'm on the floor.

Holding my face I look up to see him grab another bottle of beer from the fridge. "Get up!" He yells looking down at me.

"Sorry." I whisper as I get up and leaving the kitchen. His yells slowly fading as I ascend up the stairs.

I walk fast to my room before the tears stinging my eyes begin to fall. I drop my bag on my bed beside sleeping Bentley and I run to my washroom.

I look into the mirror to see mascara running down my face and a new bruise forming on my jaw. I quickly force myself to stop crying as I fix my makeup.

I try covering the bruise but it hurts so much to do so. Managing to cover it I then sit on the floor.

Dad never was someone who hit. Yes he would yell but he never put his hands on me or the boys. Is this the new him?

I check the time and realize I have to leave for school in 10 minutes.

I text Nolan where everyone is.

Alice: where is everyone? Who's taking me to school?

Nolan: I had early basketball practice Miles is supposed to take you

Healing closed wounds حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن