Part 34 - spring formal

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I stayed home from school today. I blamed it on "pre-period cramps."

I just didn't want to go to school. And plus I have the dance to get ready for.

Eleanor came over after school to get ready with me. Luna and Hazel are picking us up.

I also invited them over but Luna and Hazels parents won't let them come over. So Hazels picking Luna up before Elle and I.

Also last night Grayson didn't say anything after I was with Harper. So I think Harper listened to me when I told her not to tell Grayson.

"Okay time to get ready." Eleanor jumps off my bed and grabs her makeup bag.

"Okay Aly I'm doing your makeup first." Eleanor sits on the floor.

I laugh as I sit down In-front of her. She plays some music as she finishes my makeup.

Harper walks into the room. "If you're doing makeup I'm doing hair!"

Eleanor laughs. "Please do my hair!"

"I will after makeup is done and you guys are dressed! Hair is always last!" Harper claps her hands.

Eleanor gets up and walks to my vanity so she can do her own makeup. "Aly go get dressed we only have 3 hours!" Eleanor says as she goes through her makeup bag.

"3 hours? We have so much time." Nolan peaks his head inside my bedroom.

"Nolan out." Harper says from her laying position on my bed.

"Okay sorry." I laugh as Nolan leaves the room.

I walk up to Harper and kiss her belly. "How is she doing?"

Harper laughs. "We don't know if it's a she or a he."

I shrug. "You're a she." I whisper at her stomach.

"Okay get your dress on if you want me to do your hair!" Harper gently pats my arm.

I grab my dress and walk into the washroom.

Once my dress is on I look at the mirror. The mark on my arm is faint but it's still noticeable.

And the marks on my back are slowly fading which is good. But just to be safe I need to cover most of it.

I grab my foundation and power. I try to hide as much as possible without making it obvious that there's foundation on my body.

Once I'm done I open the door and sit on my bed.

"Okay I'm going to curl your hair." Harper grabs the curling iron and sits behind me.

As Harper picks up my hair I realize she'll probably see the marks on my back that I didn't bother to cover. I forgot Harper would be picking up my hair.

Thankfully she doesn't say anything about it.

But soon I feel her hand brush over my back. "Aly what are these marks?" She asks concerned.

I freeze. "What marks?"

"I don't know they look like old scrapes or bruises or something." She brushes her fingers over them.

"I'm sure it's nothing." I swallow.

"You sure you didn't like fall on your back or something?" Eleanor gets up from her seat at the vanity.

Harper looks at her confused. "What Aly is a clumsy person."

"That's true." I agree hoping Harper will leave it be.

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